Photos That Prove How Kicking Unhealthy Habits Can Make a Difference

Nowadays, living a healthy lifestyle is probably the most important something one can do. There are so many temptations that one can quickly fall into the trap of overindulging, to the exclusion of everything and everything else: Eat too much or too little as in this case or may take or starve or just go to sleep and never wake up. It may result in poor tendencies and health problems both physically and psychologically. Nevertheless, anyone who has ever reached the brink of despair knows hope exists and these individuals are living proof of that. Therefore hold your breath while you scroll down to find out what happened when they decided to exchange the worst nasty habits for bright, active and happy life.

Seeing the Beauty in Life

A slow-paced lifestyle leads to unhealthy to the people as there are a lot of vices available in different forms. Some overeaters, others binge drinking, others do not ever bother to work out, and then are those that simply get themselves high on drugs. This woman happened to be one of them and by looking at her body charts you will of course tell that those things were very harmful to her body and to her brain cells as well. Now she is 19 months clean never been better.

It’s incredible what physical changes has this woman been experiencing, however, we do not have any histrionics letting us self delude that the mental changes have been any less. “I see that I am beginning to appreciate life,” she even said.

One Year Sober

You would be surprised to discover the extent, to which certain bad behaviors can affect one’s life. One, and only one, habit can have an effect on such heads and tail as mental state, body shape, and overall well-being. You do not believe us? This guy! He has been drinking almost every day since he was 15, and his body has suffered a lot for it.

This man did not even have a glass of wine for a year, which felt like a semi-prison. However, after that period, he certainly looks like a different individual. Formerly, during his transformation, has decreased in weight and at the respectable 29 years of age is stunning his relatives with being 81 lbs lighter.

A Reason Bigger Than Himself

Let’s be honest for a moment; life is not something easy. Every person has his or her battles in life and every single one has his or her inner devils that poison the person on a daily basis. For this guy in particular, he was completely ruled by substances for 10 years and did not see any way out – but then his son came along and changed everything. His son became the agent of change in this man and he threw away the bad stuff and accepted the responsibilities of a father.

Psychologists will tell you that it is not easy to give a complete life change for another person, and the transformation in this man is truly striking. From his skin to his smile, this man has more than nailed her look.

5 Years Later

Anyone who has ever been around those who have struggled with substance abuse knows that recovering from addiction is a process with many twists and turns. Everyone has these days or actions where they fail even where they are most active in their recovery. But it is in how they pick up again where the separators are built between individuals. And it’s hard to believe that this is the same woman, right? Five years ago, she got arrested and based on her mugshot, one could see the anguish and battle raging in her. Today, she appears to be in her best shape ever.

Her five years of being sober has changed this woman who she was always destined to become and her face depicts how different she is now that she has abandoned her vices.

Healthier and Happy

More often than not, bad habits are clumped together and coexist. People with substance problems never have proper appetite and physical activity, which eventually goes one of the two ways. Some get extremely underweight and some turn out to be overweight. This was one of those people, only he managed to get clean, further life with sobriety has opened up new doors for him and this time it is a healthy door.

After one year of this life, having followed all the steps he was supposed to exercise, the man has lost a total of 130lbs. Thanks to several elements including good nutrition, exercise and avoidance of the limiting substances that had over the year lived in him.

A Fuller Face and a Fuller Life

It is well known that substance abuse has horrible effects on a human body and this woman is one of the people who understands that the most. The last time she adopted such a horrible lifestyle her body was so stressed that she ended up losing almost all of her teeth and the structure of her face sinister. This was a completely new look for her – but it appeared as if it instead turned on some switch in her and made her confront all the ugly truths she has been avoiding.

How gorgeous does she look after this? She is relatively better than this woman who pursues an unbearable habit and has managed to stay off the bad habits and through that be facilitated new life and even new teeth.

It’s so Much Better

If so, do you recall noticing a connection between drinking and weight gain? Many individuals with alcoholism often do find themselves gaining weight in the midst of such struggles, and such is the case many times. This is usually because people spend most of their time and focus on consuming alcohol than any form of physical activity or even healthy dieting. But one year into this man’s sobriety and the weight loss is quite evident.

“Of course, not everything is perfect. But, life is much better”. Just really ‘better’ is the most ‘stronger’ reason you want to follow these new patterns of behavior and thus prevent old ‘bad’ ones for good.

Toning It up

Habitual change and living in a healthy manner is a journey that every individual embarks upon for their own subjective reasons. For many of them, it’s just a single episode that is required to push them in the right direction. For this woman, it was the image on the left. When her friends shot photos of her slouched on the floor, she realised that alcohol was taking over her life and until that moment had caused her a great deal of harm in a different perspective.

Liberties: Intercultural Communication, Information Technology Practices, And Gender – What Complexities Does Information Technology Bring To Intercultural Interaction With Other People Regarding Gender Relations? Hence, she made an oath that she will never drink alcohol again and in the course of doing so, she reduced a total of 95lbs. “Fat drunk girl’s now sober and toning the body, yes it is true!” he says – and it is certainly so!

Recovery Can Really Work

The process of achieving sobriety is not as straightforward as simply turning off a switch. Like any other aspect of life, sobriety comes with its progression, stagnation, and even backsliding. However, there are occasions where a reminder of the rewards of going into recovery is all someone needs – that was the case for this gentleman. In the most hopeless moments, he opens up the transformation pictures of other people and attempts to imagine themselves in those photographs. Now, he has been able to share his.

This man has been sober for five years and he has never looked so ravishing because the difference in his appearance post alcohol consumption is staggering. It is obvious that there are visible health improvements on his body, however, the most compelling aspect of this change is that, he appears to be much more content.

Having a Fresh Star

There are extremes that few people understand because the body is so resilient, and this man knows the sad extremes better than anyone else. He had already been in the hospital for a few days with a massive heart attack, and it looked like he was going to die. That same day, he also developed a case of pneumonia, and nearly took him off the edge of the cliff once again. It was at this point he resolved to give up the bad things he had been doing for a long time and lead a good healthy life.

He says, “It has now been 90 days since the time I took such an opportunity.” I think it is right to say that a reasonable first impression is the starting point for these opportunities. The transformation is astounding.

A Radiating Glow

Substance abuse is something many individuals struggle with and seek to avoid, while many others are drawn to illicit substances. What motivates them to exaggerate? The defense from them was not that unmotivated. For instance, this woman’s case illustrates how it took her 17 years to break out of these habits. Now, it’s hard to believe she’s already changed. Her physical transformations, so much for her great success, however, still pale in comparison to her emotional ones.

One of the paragraphs she states, “This change ranks as one of my major victories. In dark times, I discovered a more reformed version of myself. I am no longer being able to contain the light I emit.”

Same Man, Different Year

Although some people go on ‘health kicks’ that allow them to lose weight through exercise and diet in a few weeks, it is more difficult for people who are fighting addiction. But after six years of sobriety, this guy can truly say that he looks like the guy he always wants to be and just look at that change. The change in shape is shocking.

In order to tone up his new load, hair this guy also decided to let his hair grow longer and we must say that the hair long suits him as well. And he looks so much better with longer hair, safe hair suits him so perfectly.

A Strong and Healthy Future

Who would have thought that daily life with such bad habits could make a person age? By downing or snorting or smoking such substances on a daily basis, the ‘real you’ is buried within a ‘poor you’ who looks like an old lady but does not seem to be the person you ought to be. That’s how this guy is in the picture above and below, but the pictures are breathtaking in the difference. As a matter of fact, we would not hesitate to say that they were two different people altogether.

On each of those days, he said, “I think when I get up in the morning I will not be that sick again thanks to my family, rehab, and the rest, and this feeling will last. What about the hair! Can someone tell me that it used to be brown and this color is just a disco?”

So Darn Proud

We inhabit a society where steatopygia is glorified and dieting stigmatised. Let’s face it. Have you ever asked for a soda at a party? The reactions due to the shock of you preferring a soda that has no alcohol instead of stronger drinks is what makes people dangerous in this world-and this young girl experienced that while at the center of her unhealthy practices.

This woman, however, after two years rather believes she could become dogma from rock bottom and just look how much even happier she is! That smile really does say it all.

Stuck in Limbo

It is quite apparent that some extremely negative behaviours would inhibit your growth as an individual. In fact this man went through it in that at 22 years old he had never done any job or ever had an identification in his name. Rather his life was dominated with poor lifestyle choices. However at the age of 23 he made a decision to work towards a better version of himself and it is obvious that the outcome has drastically changed his life.

This guy won, from the way he looks, through the stature, he carries himself victorious. This, however, is not the case anymore. He has a full time job, an ID and there is no turning back.

By His Side

It’s so much better if you have someone with you while recovering; however, it’s easier said than done. Many people end up losing most of their friends and family while they are deep in their vices, and it can be very hard to have people who would want to stick around and genuinely care about you. But in light of this, thankfully for this man, he met someone who believed he can be sober.

This man’s glow up is nothing short of transformation, plus the fact that he has now given up his bad ways in exchange of good ones also appears to have positively impacted the relationship in a big way. They seem to be even more content than ever before.

Hitting Rock Bottom

Hitting rock bottom means different things to different people. It could be the ejecting of one from a relationship, or losing one’s place of shelter, or the time when one wakes up on a bed at the hospital after succumbing to their vices. In his case, it was the latter option, and after witnessing his own mortality, he chose to change for the better and fight for his health. Clearly, it worked in his case.

This is what he looks like forty five days after the hospital discharge. He had confidence in his feelings and knew that he was capable of interruptions. And he was capable, of course, he did.

Huge Congratulations

Although numerous individuals are quick to overlook the fact that such drastic changes occur in the lives of people changing their bad lifestyles and becoming sober, there are those who focus on the essence of this accomplishment. After all, it is very difficult for your body and psyche to adjust to such a drastic change – but if you run the gauntlet, the benefits will surpass all the troubles and sacrifices that you will encounter.

Of course, it is possible to do so, and this woman is living proof of this. And so, we can say all the best things about the south.

Blemish-Free and Happy

Unhealthy habits can affect all aspects of a person’s life, including the skin. A poor diet, not enough physical activity and consumption of harmful substances can all culminate in how the skin can break out with bad acne and how dull and paper thin the skin could be. And most people do not know this at the time. And this woman said, ‘A lot has changed in my life over this past year. Only after a few years, did I notice how much my skin had improved with sobriety, when looking at old pictures.’

Changing her bad ways, which had previously caused her suffering as well, and waking up with a focus of making herself healthy and happy has made her skin look a complete reverse. And these are only three years apart!

Asking for Help

Reluctance to seek assistance is one reason that many individuals fail to change their unhealthy behaviors. They are afraid someone will cast a negative judgment on them, and they also believe that requesting help will change their circumstances for the worse. But there are also times when you just need to jump- and this man is evidence that seeking help can change your life in ways you never thought possible. The need for this man to consume alcohol just to pass through the hours of work is a need that he has now channeled into positive activities like exercising which he completely enjoys.

This is a personal experience as well as belonging to thousands of people who have managed to give up on their evil disabling ways and he goes on to say, “I am celebrating my thousand days of being sober today. It was coming into rehab and actually asking for help which changed my life.”

Recovery Is Possible

Most individuals do not opt to have unhealthy lifestyles. Rather, such unhealthy lifestyles are an outcome of some other problems in their lives – for instance, problems of emotions and psychology. It was these emotions and psychology problems which took this woman to an addictive degree where she almost died. However, after many admissions to psychiatric hospitals and rehabilitation programs, and after a number of her own relapses, she managed to stay clean and turn her life around.

At this time, she, that is, wants to find out that it is possible to be treated. A couple of years back she nearly died, but today she is in a happy relationship with the new baby and doing her master’s degree.

The Daddy Glow-Up

One, unfortunately, cannot compel such individuals to stop the unhealthy practices as it is true for leading a horse to the water but making it impossible for them to break the unhealthy, harmful tendencies. You may encourage them to be more health aware, but the bottom line is that they cannot be persuaded by external factors. However, for some, that motivating factor is a child. The day this man’s son was born, which coincidentally was this man’s birthday, he decided that he would never be drunk again.

It is, however, appropriate to point out that his son was the one thing that he was fortunate to acquire after resolving to become sober. You totally do not purchase this type of gift in a shop.

The Most Amazing Life

There is a category of individuals who, for example, for some couple of decades or more would be leading an unhealthy life style but never realize the repercussions of this and this guy was one of that type of people. His bad habits lasted for 20 years and it really cost his body. Actually, he almost died about five times in a month’s period. Moreover, after he was discharged from the hospital, he swore to change his ways.

After two years in now two years on no drugs, no alcohol, positive not negative habits, has more focus now. He is now more active and healthier as he channeling his efforts towards fitness and diets.

A Beautiful, Happy Smile

Those of you who have lived with the permanence of addiction or even faced it themselves have seen how pale such people look like. They look as if their inner flame has gone out and there is nothing that can cheer them out. If you do not understand what I am saying, simply follow these two pictures. The woman on the left exudes despair and emtiness, vicefu l and predatory on the light. On the right, she looks radiantly young full of energy and colors.

Like in this picture, the only difference is that the second picture of an empathic and socially sensitive person has been devoid of alcohol for the past four years. Earlier she used to put her energies towards bad vices. She is now oriented towards physical activities, eating well, and making the most of it.

No More Problems

Regrettably, there is a distinct correlation between crime and certain bad behaviors. Many individuals who consume alcohol or abuse substances tend to break the law, and this man was no exception. Since the very first picture, he was on a hunt for his next fix and would do everything criminal, all over the place. In fact, he was locked up so many times that he has since lost track of them all — his face in the wall of shame gives a glimpse into his despairs.

On the contrary, however, he appears to be a person of the opposite physique. He looks ravishing, he looks happy, he looks all cleaned up and sober, except of course, until now and then he has not done a single bad act. We wage he does not feel a single note of regret now; he is proud of how far he has come.

Staying Motivated

As much as many people would like to quit those habits that have for so many years being etched in their lives takes not only strong will and commitment, it requires inner strength. Some ladies decide to make changes step by step while others try abstaining for good and wish for the best. This is extremely exactly what this guy did, and he resolved to stop taking of alcohol and all bad substances at the same time. It was tough, but in the end, he was able to do it.

One year later and these pictures will suffice as the only information needed to keep him motivated in staying sober. He’s down to 200 pounds and has finally don that he always wished to look like a man.

Barely Recognizable

People who have given up their bad habits often say one thing – they can no longer imagine who they were and who they were as people worth letting go. This also demonstrates lack of comprehension of things until one has been removed from the situation. At that time, this woman was not conscious that it was an eating disorder for her or that she had a drinking problem. However, looking back, she understands just how bad she was.

This woman’s present feelings are further complimented by her progress over the years in fighting her demons. After all, it is quite a laborious task to achieve sobriety, and it is something worth celebrating.

Turning It Around

It’s astonishing what people are capable of when they resolve to start living in a different way, and give up the vices. Here, the man looks perfectly healthy, even though the mugshot on the left was taken of a man, who at the time was in and out of psychiatric wards and jails, clearly with no prospects worth mentioning. However, after he resolved to get clean, his life started changing in more ways than he thought possible.

Four years later not only does this man look younger but more importantly he now has a successful career. Indeed, he is now getting married and has become the advocate of homeless people.

Got Her Life Back

If you are in the same position as me and leading an unhealthy lifestyle, then I must clearly tell you that it will not be rosy. Letting go of certain things even if those things make you feel satisfied is going to be hard and at some points even excruciating, but once you achieve your aims, you will be amazed you never had the courage to do it before. That is exactly what this woman went though and today she is a happier woman than she has ever been.

“I felt so uncomfortable in my skin that I felt ‘good’ only when partying. Every day, I choose resting from alcohol because now I know that I will not allow myself to feel so hopeless as I used to.”

Looking Younger Than Ever

For most, patterns and patterns of self-destructive behaviors are what gives them the feeling that they are alive and alight with vitality. Well, pictures of this nature simply go to show that such substances tend to age you faster than what is age-appropriate. In any case, there is a two-year difference between the two pictures, but the one on the left, who is the “before” looks fifteen years older than the one on the right. But that’s only because this man hasn’t taken alcohol in two years.

There’s no doubt that even in his self-perception, he’s probably much younger, and whether he’s managed to combine either of these – or both – with good dieting and exercise, it’s reasonable to expect that he’s never been in better shape.

A Happy Man

Do you remember the last time you went through a collection of life photographs and could remember your emotions, simply by looking at your face? With regard to the above photo, one can also say that this man appeared blank, dazed, and depressed. And during this period, this man was into bad lifestyle choices and habits, instead of putting an emphasis on a healthy way of life.

Five years later, the man on the right has over four years and looks like a completely different person. That gleam and the smile inside that head is pure bliss.

It’s Worth It

In this case, it is almost guaranteed that no one would regret the decision to undergo recovery. Yes, this is a long term, arduous undertaking and at times you could even consider it as the worst decision you have ever made, but in the end it is worth all the struggle and effort that was put in. And if this is hard for you to accept, just look at this woman. A month earlier, in the left picture, she is depressed and fighting her internal demons, but after 30 days of sobriety, she is unrecognizable.

The smile on this woman’s face proves it – replacing negative behavior with positive ones pays off greatly and can restore your happiness in no time.

Feeling Like Himself

The consequences of adopting an unhealthy way of living are in most cases visiting in various aspects of an individual’s life. For instance, one can ignore their diet and binge on fast food every single meal and physical activities might be out of the picture because one’s will or desire is absent. Although one could observe this as quite a common phenomenon, one could appreciate the fact that the propensity to regain that energy exists. Indeed, that was precisely what this guy accomplished.

Came to fruition a robust claim of this man after having a drink “Now after six months without alcohol, I’ve lost 16 kg. I am beginning to remember with great joy what it means to be me.” And from our end, he is indeed exuding the vibe of the cheerful and healthy man that we all know.

An Important Reminder

You might ask why people share such pictures of their transformation on the internet but, it should be understood that these pictures do serve some positive effects – not necessarily to strangers on the web but to the subjects of the pictures. Also, this woman who shared this transformation picture wrote “Just a picture to remind me that I will never do it again! I am 90 days sober now.”

The change in the physical disposition in this woman is very astonishing, ranging from her shape, her skin, as well as her smile. But we bet the emotional transformation is just as impressive, if not more impressive than the rest.

A New Lease of Life

It is something astonishing how deep bad habits can run in your life. Such bad habits can rule over almost all aspects of your life, be it obedience to certain dietary regimens or even how you relate with others or engage in your profession. For some, they can be downright devastating, and this particular gentleman understood that all to well. Five years ago, he was a miserable, depressed slob who had gained a lot of weight and wasn’t the person he used to be. Now, he’s a reformed man who doesn’t drink alcohol and is clean.

It goes without saying that while working towards self improvement, it is true that this individual also made self enhancements for the benefit of his child. And sometimes, that is the only motivation that you will require.

10 Years Younger

Bad habits are always there and these can destroy you very fast, but on the other hand, breaking those bad habits and adopting healthy habits can take you up again in a hurry. This man is the archetype of that. In January 2021, because of his bad habits, he looked much older than his age. He appeared sick, he appeared exhausted, and in particular, he teetered on desperation as each day saw him losing his grip on life a little more.

Come January 2022, he had been off the booze for eight months and now bore the appearance of a man ten years younger than the one on the left. He looks much better in every way and more importantly, he appears to still be in good spirits.

A Lot Can Change

Such man said, “With courage, a lot can be altered,” and this is very true. Though quitting bad habits is usually procrastinated by most due to the fears of the difficulty of the task and its possible failure, it should be understood that the reason for the undertaking is always worth more than anything else. Of course, there will be pain and a lot of hard work in it, but you will be grateful to yourself at the end of it.

This man has been losing weight and enjoying a lot of things in his life by not consuming alcohol and paying more attention to physical activities and proper diet. So, good job!

Newfound Sense of Confidence

Your life can be altered in so many ways – for instance, a happy relationship, a new job or even travelling the world. However for some people, the thing that turned their lives around far more than any of that was leaving behind all of their bad habits and instead, building new good habits that would make them happier and healthier. This woman for instance quit alcohol and other drugs.

The relapses should be kept in mind since recovery is not that simple. When this picture on the right was taken, she had been sober of substances for two years and two months without drinking.

Making Big Changes

Many people in a braking habit don’t comprehend how bad their situation really is. To tell you the truth, this individual didn’t know the level of his drinking abuse until he was serving his second sentence in prison for DUI. However, after being locked inside the prison, he had some sort of revelation to quit alcohol completely and change the course of his life. And that’s precisely what he did.

I mean not only that, but he has also been able to drop off 60 pounds in the course. And by the look of that smile on his face, I would guess that he is quite happy with his new suave life that he has been living.

Dry January Forever

In the current age, it seems that people are learning to live their lives without indulging in any form of intoxication, and discovering such a lifestyle for themselves. Such was the case with this woman. She said, “254 days into this journey from what started as 30 days of Dry January,” and rightly so, she does not consider the month-long experiment a jumping-off point, and quite the opposite, it was rather the reverse embarking on her journey. Now, embracing abstinence has been fully incorporated into her life. In fact, she feels like it is one of her major ‘branding’ attributes.

She seems quite happier and healthier for it as well. From the very comedown in her skin to the percentage of her smile, all masculine looking features now look more of a feminine screen. So, we presume that Dry January was rather a huge success.

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