The 7 Best Exercises You Can Do Everyday

It’s fair to assume that there’s no need for a gym in order to remain strong, fit and healthy. In fact, there are many workouts that can be done without equipment and still be effective. The catch is that this has to be done on a daily basis, so plan on dedicating 20-30 minutes of your day – come what may. As with other types of exercises, do a functional warm-up and some dynamic stretching followed by static stretches to end the session.

Running In Place

Engaging in this activity at the beginning is productive in every sense. Jogging on the spot gets the heart pumping and helps with body – warm up in preparation for the exercises to be undertaken next. Although turning up the posture is pain full, maximize the turn up by standing erect while lifting one knee at a time towards 90 degrees. For a period of forty five seconds keep a consistent speed then try to get faster as you get to about the last ten to fifteen seconds. Maintain focus at all times on both arms and knees – pump your arms and raise your knees high.

Running In Place

Push Ups

Perhaps the most inclusive exercise on the list, the push up, should be practiced by anyone in need of a proper workout without gym access. The exercise can be quite easy, and there are a number of ways in which it can be performed depending on one’s skill level. Position the feet shoulder width apart, your hands to the back and over the elbows, and your body rested on its toes. With the body fully braced, initiate the movement by lowering the torso towards the floor until almost all the way down, before becoming vertical. If that is a bit difficult for you, there is no need to be worried at all, you can do the more simple version of the push up where you place your knees on the ground.

Push Ups


The plank is one of the greatest dedicated exercises for core strengthening along with push up and it has many modifications to make it easier or harder depending on the individual’s abilities. Assume the push up position, but this time rest your elbows on the floor rather than on your palms. This is now just holding up your body for time, therefore keep your back straight while only using your toes to raise your lower body off the ground, and last for 45 seconds. In case this is too hard then try on a push up with people’s hand placed on the floor than on their elbows. The benefit of the plank is that everything in this world requires an element of consistency; if you do this on a daily basis then you will see great improvements in how long you can hold the plank.LOCATION AND RESEARCH PROBLEM.



The lunge is wonderful multi-joint movement that focuses on the upper leg and also targets the core muscles. It will also contribute positively to your general balance. Stand upright, put your hands on your hips, take one leg forward while bending it around 90 degrees, and then go back to the starting position using the same leg to push yourself. After this, perform the same movement but with the other leg Now try and fit an even number of lunges inside a period of 45 seconds and then rest for 15 seconds. If the 90 degree lunge is too hard then start with 45-degree lunge and gradually decrease the degree as you get better at it.


Sit Ups

Sit ups are another jewel in the bodyweight exercise crown and when done properly will give your whole core the workout it needs. For comfort, perform your sit ups on a yoga mat or a suitable soft surface. Lie down on your back with your feet flat on the floor and your knees bent. Keeping your hands behind your ears and your feet firmly on the floor, use your abdominal muscles to ‘sit up’ until you touch your knees with your elbows. Not only is this a workout for your core, but it will also provide support for your back and help improve posture.

Sit Ups


Last but not least: here is the exercise which expends the largest body muscle mass. Squats also enlist lower body and area of the lower back accentuated en head’s region, thus it is imperative that you squat every single day during your workout routine. Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart and both your hands on your hips. Incense for upward ‘Anjani Mudra’ and as you do this, begin a single squat to about 90 degrees and then back up again. Altertnate you head and chest upwards don’t shy away from using your arms to help maintain the balance. If this is too much start at just tipping forward until you can comfortably make a more profound squat at 90 degrees aiming for 45degrees 90 degrees over time. For variety’s sake, at the end of the squat, instead of rest you can do a small jump and then return to standing, these are called ‘jump squats’.


Jumping Jacks

An exemplary aerobic workout, jumping jacks are great for finishing off a workout but are also effective if performed with zeal, for building muscle. Stand upright with feet together, arms at your sides, jump your feet apart and clap your arms above your head. Repeat the motion with your feet coming back together and with your arms back by your sides. Focus on maintaining a steady pace and keep the effort during this last exercise in this session!

Jumping Jacks

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