Surprising Facts About the Female Body

As we all know, mankind’s body as a subject is quite interesting, and there is so much more to be known, particularly about the workings of the female body. For instance, are you aware that a woman’s facial features are known to shift in shape during the nine month period of carrying a child? Or the truth for the most popular question regarding life span: why do women live longer than men? And, of course, this article is for you, no matter if you are an ordinary woman or a man who tries to understand ladies better!

Women Are Born With All the Eggs She Will Ever Have in Her Lifetime

The ovaries of a woman can safely be compared to a personal egg bank because each ovary has thousands of immature eggs that can be matured and fertilized at appropriate times. Did you know that a woman has all the women’s eggs she will ever have in her lifetime from the time she is born? Yes, there is such an arrangement; a female is born with a set number of eggs which gets depleted as she ages. This is something every woman ought to know and in particular for any woman that is planning a family.

Thus, if you want for example decide to begin having children, keep in mind that there will some day come the time when the egg supply will some day begin to run out!

A Female Pelvis Is Wider Than a Male Pelvis to Handle Childbirth

In terms of functional morphology, the structure of the female pelvis is modified for reproduction and childbirth to enable it bear more children than the narrower and deeper male pelvis. Such ample room allows your child enough flexibility to position his or her head during delivery, thus easing his or her descent through the birth canal. However that is not all: this unusual pelvis form influence the way how you move around the house as well. You might have figured that women and men have slightly variable walking patterns. The reason for the difference is way more elementary and obvious – pelvic structure.

The effect is minor but it has a major effect on how women interact with their environment.

Women’s Emotions Run High Because of Constant Hormonal Changes

A woman’s hormonal levels do not maintain a steady level throughout the month. Rather, they show constant cycle-dependent variations. Sad to say, due to this, women appear to be more prone to suffering from various mental health disorders. Everything points to one conclusion: women suffer from depression more frequently than men, studies report about two times more cases of depression in women. Despite this, the attitude toward the problems of mental health is still quite damaged and many women cannot simply voice their problems.

Yet, but this is quite normal as it is a natural side effect of having women’s bodies all the time prepare and primed for implantation of a baby which includes the release of a variety of hormones along with every day’s stressful electronic interference.

Women’s Brains Trump Men’s in Size

But the most worried and grieved are the women. This is true, and studies even demonstrate that with regards to size of the brain and body the latter is smaller to the figure of the man. This implies that women’s size when measured with their body weighs a lot of tissues as compared to men hence, ability areas like languages and tasks reconstruction are easily performed. So the next time someone says that women are more talkative or better at juggling multiple tasks, you can nod your head confidently and say yes.

This is just the step further made in this awe-inspiring evidence that indeed women are wonderful and wiser than men.

Women’s Hearts Beat Faster

Isn’t it interesting that the size of your heart affects your heartbeat? It is known that because women’s average hearts are smaller than men’s, they tend to have quicker beats. In this case, the heart rate of an average male ranges somewhere between 70-72 beats per minute while for females it is about 78-82 beats per minute. So next time when you are exercising at the fashionable gym and are feeling that your heart is beating harder than that of your fellow heart rate monitor wearers, don’t panic!

Gender differences and these particularly regarding men and women’s hearts are general knowledge, or that is what you would think, but they are not! And there is still so much of which the majority of people simply do not have the faintest idea in regard to women.

Women’s Breast Can Change but Lookout for These Warning Signs

Your breasts have a long history of change and transformation. Did you have any idea regarding that? Other causes may include pregnancy, weight gain, and of course aging which can all result in size and shape changes. In recent times, some women have for one reason or another started worrying that their breasts have changed, a cause for concern and dissent, that should never arise. Moreover breast asymmetry is much more common than you may think with more than half of all women suffering from it. However, IAP is not a universal procedure; several symptoms fall under this and require a physician’s intervention as they may be signs of something more serious.

For instance, swelling of the female breasts, tenderness, itchiness, or discharge from the nipples should arouse a sense of danger and one should not fall short to consult a doctor. Better be safe than lonely: a good pill won’t bite!

Women Are Capable of Extreme Empathy

Empathy is often described as a superpower due to its ability to forge bonds with others. And guess what? Women seem to be more adept at using this power than men. But relax, guys – it’s not a contest! Though it has been found that more women than men will lend a shoulder to a distressed friend, show sensitivity towards other’s hardships or play the role of a supporting character to someone else.

That is not to say men lack empathy, but it does imply that women may have the upper hand on this one.

The Truth About the Menstrual Cycle

Menstruation is a purely physiological phenomenon occurring naturally in the female body. Medically speaking, it does last for an average collapse of three up to seven. It is very important in every woman’s reproductive health. During this process, the inner lining of the uterus, which comprises blood, is expelled from the body. Though the menstrual cycle is an everyday occurrence in a woman’s life, it remains most surrounded with myths and taboos. But it is very nice to speak out all the important issues in order to help pave the way for knowledge and development.

It’s important to learn and educate others in the society about this process so that these stigmas can be overcome.

Women Experience Heart Disease Less Than Men

Research indicates that compared to men, women have a lower risk of developing heart disease and dying from the same. Well, that is not the only thing – women who did not experience any cardiovascular ailment in the past are likely to take preventive steps with medication usage, hypertension control, and quitting smoking. But wait, the devil is in the details. The kind of cardiac illness that affects females is usually different from that of the males, and therefore the patients need to know the symptoms and learn about it.

After all, when it comes to our health, knowledge is power. The prevalence may differ, but nevertheless, heart disease is still a major problem in women, which has to be properly diagnosed and treated to appropriately.

Women Need More Body Fat so They Can Carry a Baby

Did you know that the average woman has greater body fat than the average man? This however does not mean every woman should become worried about those extra curves, as these are there for a good reason. That’s right, extra padding actually helps females support and feed their developing fetus during the course of the pregnancy. It’s like an inbuilt baby sling! Next time you find yourself in front of a mirror, try as much as possible to be floored by the extraordinary capabilities of your body.

Those curves are all a glorious result of the wonders of women’s bodies. And even if you are not a woman, you surely should appreciate this dexterous.

Period Pain Is Comparable to the Pain From a Heart Attack

Although it is evident that individuals differ in their capacity to withstand painful stimuli, research shows that gender differences exist, with women having a higher pain tolerance than men. In other words, women can bear higher levels of pain and discomfort with less distress than men do. So, ladies, the next time you think that you are in agony but are pin drop silent, remember that you can take it like a boss. Particularly in light of what is perhaps a more far-fetched study that has come out recently.

It is difficult to believe, but in fact, period pains can be rated equal to heart pains! Dear men, how would you feel to have a heart attack after every 28 days.

It’s True, Women Do See Better Than Men

Female color perception is known to be relatively better than male color perception. It is the ability to distinguish minute differences in tones and shades. Therefore, for the guys out there, if you ever wondered about why it’s hard for you to select colors matching with your outfits then you are not the only one. Just request your female friends for that, as they really are better at it. Not only do they discriminates colors much better but also even possess a better side vision as well.

Keep reading because the reasons that will amaze you with bodily abilities of women you didn’t know about will still be revealed.

Women’s Bones Are Much Lighter Than Men’s Bones

It seems that there is a hidden advantage in the skeleton of the females over the males. It has been discovered that the bones of the female skeleton are light and less dense than those of the male. Because of this, they have a bit of a spring in their step and move around with a fluid grace. However, lower bone density means they can also be more predisposed to osteoporosis when they get older, especially with the changes after menopause, which makes them lose more bone tissue.

Women are simply born with less thickness of anatomical structures called bones and this means there reproductive health should be given a priority to make sure that there is enough milk calcium for the bones. Good health advice for you ladies!

Women Have Slower Metabolisms

Among these, age, ethnicity, muscle mass and fat mass of a patient, come out as chief determinants of how fast will a person’s basal metabolic rate be. Moreover gender differences also exist in the sense that women do burn lesser calories compared to similar aged comparable men irrespective of the body fat age composition. However a slower metabolism presents an individual with relatively more calories and in this case is an added advantage for women especially regarding their ability to do physical exercises. But there is one more interesting fact about women’s metabolisms.

SOME studies have found a significant increase in metabolic rate of approximately 10 percent in women during the luteal phase of the menstrual cycle which presents another added advantage.

Women’s Eyes Adjust to Light Way Quicker Than Men

In the course of scientific investigations, it was found that women’s eyes can easily adjust to the changes in the lighting. Women’s vision adapts quickly to the new surroundings but men’s vision takes time. Now the ladies should worry less if they find themselves in an overly lit room again, because their eyes will not take time to adjust. That is another plus, since it becomes much easier to move around in low light conditions without fear of hitting something.

Women seem to possess a host of abilities like keen ears, super active eyes, and so much more, which we never thought could be possible in a woman’s body.

Women Have a Stronger Emotional Connection to Their Kids

According to the familiar saying, a mother’s love is matchless and most affectionate. Studies and research have suggested this statement to be true as females often connect with their offspring on a deeper level than a male would. Because of this powerful connection, there are higher levels of caregiving, emotional attachment, and even ‘mothering’ of the younger generation. Be it due to hormones, pressures from society or both combined, there is no denying the fact that the bond between a mother and child is an irreplaceable one and is worth appreciating.

It is really nice to hear that a mother can affect, a child’s whole life, inside and out, to shape them into the individuals they are and will be.

Women’s Immune Systems Are Powerful

We’re going to let you in on a little secret. When it comes to women, there is one secret superpower that these females form that people do not know. A woman’s immune system is far better than that of a man. This refers to the advantages of the feminine X-chromome; microRNAs residing on it can enhance female immune responses compared to male. These are such tiny genetic materials that even have the ability to turn off certain genes, thus providing women with an edge in such battles.

There is no need to search for more. Statistics have confirmed that women are diagnosed with cancer than men.

Women Are Great at Conflict-Resolution Skills

Women have been identified as better conflict resolvers due to their abilities in processing the intricacies of emotions better than men. The emotional parts of the brain in comparison to the male counterpart are much more balanced due to the high number of synapses connecting them, making women better at understanding and feeling for others, which in turn makes them better at resolving conflicts. Nevertheless, in managing conflicts while being able to feel emotions – sadness, stress, anger, and compassion – women can take some prouding positive approach in coping with the feelings of other people, assertiveness, self-management, and E-map showing.

To illustrate this point, the graph is a findings of a male-female study conducted Chin in 2012 in which women are reported to be better than man in the said upper bound. This explains why more often than not, it is women who play the role of a mediator in disputes, inside the family or at work.

Pregnancy Can Reshape Your Face

Pregnancy can result in a horde of feelings, experiences and even surprises among expectant mothers. While some expectant mothers visualize themselves in all their beauty, others find themselves challenged with some unsightly tasks: nurturing a small human being within them. An expectant mother posted a before-and-after picture to highlight the neckline blues that becomes visible during pregnancy. From the pictures, the woman had anticipated looking nice, but unfortunately, she was presented with a nose that was almost three times its normal size.

Unfortunately this particular mama’s post also brought to break pregnancy related taboo on which most people barely speak about and it hits close to home for several women who have gone through similar transformations. It brings back the fact that pregnancy is beautiful and miraculous but not all smooth.

Women’s Bodies Produce More Sweat Than Men’s

Women tend to be far more physically active than men, which results in many women getting sweatier than men are able to. But do not let that frighten you because well, sweating means exercising efficientif. The extra perspiration functions to cool down the body during severe exercises. So the next time you visit the gym or hit the tracks, carry the sweat and appreciate how your body is working for you.

No one, however, wants to end up all sweaty in the gym. But then all those buckets of perspiration has a purpose of its own!

Women’s Skin Is Thinner Than Men’s and More Susceptible to Wrinkles

Did you realize that which we normally take for granted, our skin, is in fact a piece of art? It has the right composition of being both supple and tough; and even in so many is thinner than men’s skin. Yes, that means we do age faster, and tend more to sun damage and wrinkles, but our skin responds even more to moisturizers and other treatments in positive ways. So, if you want to prevent your skin from looking aged, then put on some sunscreen and pamper that skin.

And, guys, having matured skin is not that a big deal but it doesn’t mean it doesn’t require some pampering as well! After all, who doesn’t wish to have smooth and soft skin that has been well taken care of?

Women’s Superior Ability to Withstand Freezing Temperatures

Are you aware that women are more cold tolerant than men? That’s right! Research suggests that women are more capable of enduring lower temperatures. When men are all wrapped up in layers and are shaking with cold, women are on the contrary, facing the bitter cold. You may have observed that during Award shows, male celebrities wear nice suits while female celebrities put on a little cloth called dresses; why? Because they can wear them without feeling cold.

It is only further evidence how women are always tougher than the rest. So learn to enjoy the “sharp” weather and enjoy the fact that you are indeed the best in the cold weather!

Women Smell Better Than Men

The study of Charles Wysocki, a behavioral neuroscientist explains that it is very difficult to block the awareness of a woman to any smell as compared to that of a man. So not only them probably smell better, but their sense of smell is scientifically proved to be so much better than a man’s. This may be due to the fact that women pay more attention to body underarm odor because it has biological information which in some way assists the selection of a mate.

Step aside, dating apps. It appears that women’s noses are quite efficient at finding an appropriate match.

Pregnancy Can Make You Lose Your Teeth

Mothers are true heroines. Who could imagine pregnancy could transform your body so visited? All the same, in this case, let me explain this mom’s journey with pregnancy. She had several dental problems and repairs for her four pregnancies when each of them aggravated dental issues and led to lots of treatments. Eventually, all her teeth were lost due to the pain of pregnancy and childproduction. Her story helps explain some reasons why some women panic when pregnant.

This happens because during pregnancy the female sex hormones progesterone and estrogen can bring about temporary stretching of tisssue and bone around the teeth due to the changing of the topology giver potential complications in dentistry.

This Is Why Women Seem to Never Forget

Do you feel there is a possible explanation on why women often accurately remember every single detail? Well, scientists might have an answer! Research has highlighted that the manner in which parents and caregivers encourage children to narrate stories can affect how the child’s memory functions. For example, mothers who instruct their children to remember specific facts of the day are actually exercising those children’s recalling capabilities. Such storytelling can further help with the formation of powerful memories, and even the subsequent recalling of those memories.

As comical as it may sound, even boys and girls are likely to use their brains in a different way because of society’s gender expectations (or those they have internalized). Girls, for instance, are almost always chastised for minimizing while crafting their narratives, and this might enhance their memory compared to the boys.

Women Outshine Men in Multitasking Skills

This is the point at which the praises start being channeled in the right direction. And the subject of discussion is none other than the more spectacular half of the Headlines Womans Magazines: The Women. It is no secret that women are the best multitasking champions as they are experts in handling many responsibilities simultaneously. They can do it all – that is taking care of the house, looking after the children, going to a job, and preparing the most expensive dish while watching a football match: all at the same time. It’s the fact.

And the good thing? Everything looks so easy to them. Normal credit is due to such people and functioning in such a manner has got to come easy to them.

Women’s Life Expectancy Is Longer Then Men’s

Generally speaking, female life expectancy exceeds that of males by approximately five years in most countries. And while we can’t quite put our finger on the cause of this concern, it is one that certainly begs attention. Perhaps, it is so because women’s chromosomes may be more stable than men’s, or it is because women frequently lead healthier lives. For whatever reason, it is nevertheless an interesting observation that merits investigation. For your information, if you are a lady, then take consolation that there are chances that you might be added a few more years to experience the enjoyment of life.

Some say that it is the level of estrogen and elevated immune levels of women, while some say that it is healthy for an individual. Well whichever the case may be, it is nice to know!

Women’s Voices Don’t Go Through Intense Changes Like Men

Have you ever come across someone remarking that a woman’s voice is like fine wine? Well, this comparison has been proven to be truthful, as a woman’s voice compares the same way with fine wine. Unlike men whose voices become thicker and deeper with age, women’s voices remain high and a light tonality, thereby sounding equally appealing as they did when younger. Therefore, should you be one of those older women, don’t be afraid if people will not be fascinated by your voice anymore.

This can be useful whether you are giving a work presentation or you are simply talking with your friends about what happened to your flat.

Women Have Been Found to Possess Better Fine Motor Skills

When it comes to performing fine motor activities, it turns out that women have an advantage. Research shows that women dominate more in deftness or hand-eye coordination than men because of certain brain regions physically programmed for movements. Women show more inter connection among these regions of the brain which cure precision movements. It follows then that such tasks as knitting, embroidery and playing of instruments where precision in the use of motor muscles is required, comes easily for women. Who would have thought?

Excessive inter connectivity is however not without consequences. It might lead to an excessive amount of dissection of actions and a fear of spontaneity. So ladies, continue performing those precise tasks with your hand, but don’t forget to release creativity as well.

Women Are Masters of Nonverbal Cues

Do you ever ask yourself, why women seem to be so good at body language reading or at least comprehending it? As it turns out, women have a natural tendency to be more skilled than men at interpreting things that can’t be said in words. Whether someone’s arms are crossed or their mouth is slightly pursed, women pay attention to the most vague cues that give them insight into what is going on in the head of that person.

In truth, evidence suggests that women have a high capacity for reading in-between tackles and comprehending the aspects of communication that are not verbal.

Women’s Hearing Is More Sensitive

It has become an evolution and biosociology trait for women to have a unique capability of responding to sounds, especially high-pitch sounds, even when asleep. This implies that new mothers stand an increased chance of being disturbed by their unsettled offsprings screaming even when sleeping soundly. On the contrary, this also includes who are more prone to sleep conditions with cotton enemies, who are women. This is also very helpful, however, when one is trying to find a friend in a noisy crowded room.

There’s something that differentiates a woman from the rest of the population—she’s equipped with such sensitive ears, that one can pick up even the finest details that seem insignificant to everybody else.

The Secret Behind Women Being Better Musicians

Women are believed to possess greater musical talents, than men. When it comes to pitch, pitch memory and artistic expression, they excel. These abilities have been theorized to be associated with differences in the structure and/or function of brain regions responsible for music, such as the auditory cortex and the motor cortex. Instead women are better wired due to more availability of white matter connecting these regions and hence are more accurate and have higher potential for music skills development. It is a different matter, and discrimination along these lines often results in worse career opportunities for women than for men, dominated by creative professions.

So, estrogen is not only a hormone but also an important thing for the women. Nevertheless, the time has come to demolish these barriers and allow the world to understand the amazing art that women have.

Long Hair Isn’t Just a Beauty Choice

Are you aware that women’s hair can grow at a wonderful pace? As a matter of fact, women’s hair grows faster than their men counterparts. And when you add the fact that ladies tend to wear more hair than men, the difference in growth rates starts to become quite astonishing. And although a few people might argue that long hair takes time and patience since it requires maintenance, the end justifies the means. Here is another interesting thing about women!

Our hair, whether short, long, curly or straight is so much representative of our own individual style. So, let us all embrace our hair however it looks like and appreciate the process of growing hair whatever the speed may be, fast or slow.

Women Are Incredibly Sensitive to Touch

Women, let me ask you something. Have you ever realized that there is a special ability that you have hidden within your hands? Well, technicall, it is the fingertips that come into action. Research has proven that a woman’s finger is full of nerves such that it is very sensitive to even the most subtle forms of touch, hence, outranking that of a man’s cut. Be it texture or sound vibration, women’s fingers can sense the tiniest detail as if all their fingers are attached to sensitive devices.

The next time you find yourself in pitch dark and need to feel with your hands, you know whom you should call – the women with the best sense of touch.

How Women’s Bodies Harness Growth Hormones

Did you know that the female body naturally produces more growth hormones than the male body? Well that’s right, ladies, you’re hiding a superpower that is more than handy when it comes to physical activities. Considering the fact that women have more levels of growth hormones, they probably have enhanced potential to gain efficient lean muscles and overall fitness. The next time you see a woman going hard at the gym, remember that, because of her biology, she has an edge over the rest of us.

In the conclusion, regardless if you are male or female, the most important aspect of achieving any fitness goal is plain old hard work. Unless you are that awful and that cruel, if you happen to have some extra growth hormone it is a bonus!

Women Actually Are Much More Intuitive Than Men

Contrary to popular belief, women’s instincts are not a myth – they are scientifically proven! This is mainly due to the complexity of the neural interconnections that women are able to understand emotions and physical expressions which helps them gather non-verbal information quicker. This extraordinary ability allows them to better understand and respond to the moods of those around them. Of course, this also drives both speculation and overthinking due to the presence of additional pathways in the female brain connecting the amygdala responsible for emotions and emotions and decision making neocortex.

Women are so intuitive, that it is intuitive for them to read what is not said or to grasp the subtle nuances in someone’s tone and expressions.

Adapting to Change Is an Easy Feat

Women understand changes preferably more than anyone else, they are remarkable at coping with any situation given to them. Whether it is going for a new job or a new city, women are always surprised at how quickly they can be able to be settled and look even better and stronger than before. Whether it is a breakup or a promotion at work, they are not afraid to confront the unknown and are quite graceful while doing it. For some reason, it appears as though women are able to convert their fears into something that can help their growth.

Next time you come up with some new challenge, pretend as if you are some superhero and do not forget that there is something in every woman, which helps her to adapt and succeed in the new conditions.

Women Excel at Talking

A woman’s world is where communication is at the center, given their aptitude in linguistic tasks. Thanks to their denser brain connections, women are better than men when it comes to verbal tasks, such as remembering words or hearing and reproducing sounds with the correct rhythm and melody. At the same time, struggle for better ability sometimes abates because of the dominance of this skill. Brain does compensate this overload. As because of bigger size of the corpus callosum – the bridge of tissues which integrates two brain hemispheres – intensive and more productive ways of forming and reconnecting different blocks of knowledge are available.

The next time you require some skill equal to that explained above, try focusing the most hated task only on the woman, using her most valuable skill and talent, her linguistic skills.

A Great Sense of Humor Is Second Nature to Women

Long ago, a saying went that women have the best humor, now, science reinforced what has always been. It’s been observed in this study that women tend to have better humor than men because of their capacity to process emotions. More comprehension of humor results in a better happiness and laughter. It is possible that the reason why they are the most successful is due to the fact that females have a larger corpus callosum, which connects the two sides of the brain.

So, the next time you find that you’re nearly rolling on the ground laughing at what one of your female buddies said, don’t assume that this is just in your head; women are really funny!

Women and Men’s Brains Are Completely Different

Researchers of the most recent research state that there are extraordinarily cross-linked structures in women’s brains in comparison to that of men. This means that women are able to relate to others properly and adjust themselves in different settings quite fast as well. It comes as no surprise that women are the most likely to be the glue to families and communities. Therefore, the next time you want to make a friend, better be looking for a woman! And excuse, if I use the word ‘multitasking’. After so many nerve connections have been made, it’s a huge advantage for women.

Be prepared for finding out more peculiar details about women’s bodies since the amount of such information is much larger than you imagine.

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