Common Health Food Myths Finally Debunked

Every second week there appears to be some new health food fad which is being preached to be tried out. However, it seems that most of these fads are not actually that helpful and sometimes even harmful. So here comes the reality: many of these so-called health foods are not that healthy and some even can cause a lot of harm! Prepare yourself for some health food myths, which will be busted next!

A Slice Of Processed Cheese Does Not Have A Similar Dairy Content To Milk

Processed cheese can be said to be the same thing with American cheese, quite soft and easily molded into a square cube shape which can be drunk out of. It bears similarities to cheese but there is a great dissimilarity when a comparison is made with a cheese such as cheddar, parmesan or brie. Processed ‘cheese’ is just that processed ‘cheese’. The ‘cheese’ contains many additional artificial ingredients such as emulsifiers, oils, and milk protein concentrate. There is no art of cheese making followed in this.

Common Health Food

It follows therefore that the resulting product is something which would be devoid of the health benefits which other normal cheesy products might have, and it contains nothing comparable to the inside of a glass of milk regardless of what the commercials say.

Too Much Protein Can Have Negative Health Effects Rather Than Good Ones

Eating healthily always requires a well balanced diet that involves more than one protein category. Muscle enhancers tend to follw a high protein consumption and that is primarily because muscles want protein. There have been opinions which have been held concerning the amount of protein one should eat and how any excess of it may increase calcium as a by-product and this in the long run may cause bones to be weak rather than strong. Again, this was proven wrong.

Common Health Food

The positive effect of having more protein has combined advantages which include having bone strength over years. More playable means better usable bone density and that translates the message to idiots who grow old.

Not All Fruit Is Great For Those Trying To Be Calorie Conscious

Fruits are often wrongly assumed to be a healthy option for weight watchers and dieters, due to the notion that they have natural sugars. They can be full of calories as well and thus do not promote shedding off pounds eat more than necessary. For instance, Avocadoes, mangoes, and bananas are a few examples of fruits that rank high on that feature, thus, if a person is on a calorie deficit program then these foods may not be the best option.

Berries for example, being of the group of fruits which has antioxidants properties are recommendable for weight controllers.

The Great Debate Featuring Margarine Versus Butter For Who Is Healthier

Every discussion regarding weight loss diet foods involves Calories or caloric intake. There is always the issue of margarine. Although margarine is lower in calories as compared to butter, margarine does have some calorific content and lots of hygenic chemicals compared to natural butter. So though margarine is low caloric, it is mostly made of transfats and other chemicals which are responsible for that smoothness.

These are not this kind of oil and are best not taken. Instead of margarine which is high in calories and contains hydrogenated oils or some oils alternatively use butter which contains healthy calories instead of the unhealthy margarine. It has healthy calories with no trans fat as present in margarine.

Is Brown Sugar Better Than White Sugar In The Battle Of The Sugars?

Of all food items, sugar is one of the most delectable. It serves its purpose in caffeinated drinks very well as it helps bring up the standard of ‘ordinary’ to a whole new level. Because it can and is used to make desserts, such as strawberries bouillées, that have quite a wide appeal. For quite some time now, there has been a persistent controversy over the question: Is brown sugar better than white sugar in nutritional value? However, it turns out that in our society, sugar, as it seems, is simply unacceptable for everyone.

When it comes to brown sugars and white sugars, both are nearly the same with the only difference being that the former is less processed than the latter. Moderation is the key with all kinds of sugars and other healthy replacements need to be looked at and adopted.

Making A Home Cooked Meal Takes Up Valuable Time and Is Not Always the Best Option

Preparing food slowly, or cooking food from raw ingredients is something that has existed in the remote past and the recent history of almost every person. Although it is among the most appealing means of preparing food, because it involves buying frozen ready-made food and just microwaving it for a couple of minutes, it is also very unwholesome, nor does it take such a lot of time to prepare a meal from the scratch. A little bit of organization and it is quite possible to prepare a good home made dish in 10-20 minutes.

This does not mean each time you have to ‘cook’ breakfast. What you need to do is something they called meal preparation. Make a spice mix, soup base, or chop up veggies and meats so that they are easy to pull out of the fridge and fry up.

Raw Veggies Are Not Always The Most Nutritious Choice

Some consider switching to a raw diet because they believe that the nutritional value of vegetables suffers when they are cooked over high heat. Indeed this holds for some veggies, as cooking them practically rips away some vitamins like Vitamin C. Other vegetables such as carrots provide health benefits when eaten raw and may be more helpful when cooked.

Carrots are on this list of vegetables. They contain beta-carotene that is used to improve the health of our eyes, but which consumption unbaked is simply difficult for our bodies to reach.

Not All Carbohydrates Lead To Weight Gain And Should Be Avoided

Carbohydrate-filled foods should not be avoided as they are important in the human body. Among carbo-hydrating products are bread, rice, and pasta, but a huge number of root vegetables and many other products contain them. All human beings at some point require consumption, and it goes without saying that there are more suitable gorge than others. A pack of potato chips is tempting, but this is not the kind of carb one should be nibbling at regularly.

Sweet Alsakan potato or sweet potato, whole grain bread or even gluten-free pasta technological34 keep carbohydrates in chex, which could be added in anyone’s diet. Avoiding carbohydrates altogether will not promote effective or long-term weight loss.

The Healthiest Menu Item Is Not Always Found In The Salad Section

It makes a lot of sense to say that there have been misconceptions in addition to this myth of salads being healthy in the long run. This is a misconception since when you take the ingredients that are in a salad and the dressing that is put Albany Medical College 11 7 there, it fails to remain true. If a salad contains vegetables, croutons, Mozzarella, and heavy dressing, it is likely that such a salad is as calorie-dense as a big portion of mac-cheese. Foods that have cream in them are always rich in calories.

Salads, which contain no or very little oil, have some easily digestible vegetables and a bit of light dressing and a small serving of lean meat like breast of chicken, can be termed as healthy.

Eggs Are Not All Full Of Bad Cholesterol

Eggs are one food which appears nearly always on the breakfast table in varied forms. The yolk, the white and the shell, all have lots of nutrients essential for the body. In the past, eggs were mainly regarded as unhealthy since the egg yolk was considered to be rich in cholesterol. However, over the years, this dietary cholesterol has been shown to be highly beneficial and that eggs are in fact a complete multivitamin.

There is no restriction as to when eggs can be included in the diet since they are always the best option for breakfast as they supply more vitamins in the morning than a slice of toast and butter or jam spread over it.

Calories Are Not All The Same

A calorie is a calorie, correct? This is highly inaccurate. Not all calories are created equal, and this aspect: the origin of the calories, should be emphasized more because some foods can invoque arouse appetites, some bring the satiety. For instance, proteins, found in meat, fish, eggs and various other foods are very helpful for those who wish to have that ‘full’ feeling after eating. As for the foods with higher in protein, trying to add them to one’s diet is also useful to people wishing to lean down.

At the same time however, fructose on the other hand, is exhibited to rather increase hunger rather than provide satiety. Which further promotes more food consumptions than less.

Saturated Fat Is A No Go And Should Not Be Eaten – Not Necessarily

Contrary to popular belief, our bodies indeed require the inclusion of saturated fats amongst other sources of fats. For a long time, experts in nutrition have said that the use of saturated fats can cause an increased risk of heart disease. Meanwhile, saturated fat, on the one hand, will contain both types of cholesterol: There are high-density lipoprotein, or ‘good’ cholesterol, as well as low-density lipoprotein which refers to the ‘bad’ cholesterol. However, in terms of the content of good and bad cholesterol in an individual’s body, saturated fat provides more quantity of the good ones.

We cannot deny it, there are more explanations why, like anything else, saturated fats actually provides more benefits than harm the body from over-consumption of saturated fats foods like: cake, bacon and butter deserve to be eaten every now and then as a little treat.

Whole Wheat Bread Is Not Necessarily Healthier Than Processed Wheat Used For White Bread

Whole wheat bread has been known to be much healthier in comparison to white bread made of refined white flour. Waiting around for the clean sandwiches is frustrating because deep down everyone realizes that bread is usually a simple carbohydrates food and should not be abused; however, it is something that is in the very structure of wheat that may be giving some people heartburn. Gluten is a form of protein serotonin found in wheat based food and is associated with its allergenic properties, a majority are intolerant to.

Everybody who feels burps quiet for a long period of time after eating, gets tired, and also has situations that are related to the intestine working out has to go for a gluten check. A method to determine whether gluten is the culprit in these cases is to eliminate bread from the diet for several weeks and observe if these symptoms abate.

Does Coffee Go Along With Eating Healthy?

Let’s be honest, coffee is one of the most amazing substances out there. It provides a lot of people with the energy to undertake their daily tasks, and aside from that, it smells wonderful when it is being prepared. As wonderful as coffee is, the real beauty of it is that it has a lot of antioxidants even though it does have its fair share of caffeine. Rather, coffee is not harmful and even has some rather impressive hidden health benefits.

The reason you indulge in some java in the morning is the same reason why most people do so; that caffeine activates one’s body for the day! And energizing potential is also something beneficial to performing a good workout and may actually help boost metabolism.

Lots Of Red Meat Will Not Make Your Body Unhappy

Does anything even come close to the delicious scent of a large succulent steak being cooked on the grill? Admittedly, for a vegetarian or a vegan, this probably is not the prettiest scent, but the meat is delicious for those who crave it. Some social health scientists have claimed through the years that red meat is unhealthy for humans, but this is not the case. Of course, anything taken in excess is bad, but unprocessed beef in itself is not bad.

A vegetarian hot dog or humbug is still a meat product, and whenever meat in a form is processed there are additives added which are not fit for human health. Red meat on its own is okay though.

Low-Fat, High-Carb Diets Aren’t The Best Ones To Follow Longterm

It has become a tradition that some new fad diet is medically introduced every month, however, if any diet has lasted in popularity for years, it has to be the low-fat high-carb diet `prescribed’ by the specialists in nutrition as being the most weight losing approach. The problem with this type of diet is that there is no talk about protein. and it cannot really help anyone to lose even any weight, eating a whole loaf of bread, considered as high-carb. It will also not provide the essential vitamins and minerals needed by the body.

As it is about low something, such things should be looked into. A healthy diet does not mean that there will be no high fat food courts that are given once in a while.

Parmesan Cheese Actually Contains Animal Byproducts

For sure parmesan denotes even greater creativity in a delight. It is common knowledge that nearly all the best Italian dishes require a sprinkle of the grated parmesan cheese. Parmesan cheese is not a vegetarian kind of cheese. Paradoxically however, the very creation of parmesan involves a certain naturalized incubatory enzyme that has been obtained from slaughtered calves. It comes from the fact that this type of cooling agent is a byproduct of the animal; thus, the cheese contains animal parts.

This is however quite a technical concern. Even though cheese is processed with no animals involved, it’s pretty much down to how liberal or otherwise, some vegetarians and that includes myself are with the parmesan.

Vegetable Oils That Have Gone Through A Refining Process Are Not The Best

Vegetable oils and seed oils, canola, sunflower, and soybean, all have health benefits and are called ‘health’ oils. In truth, they have undergone some form of chemical process, which cannot be healthy when saying it is in comparison with coconut and olive oil rather than being raw. In fact, these definitely contain something labelled Omega 6 fatty acids that are said to bring a little bit inflammation to the body of a human. However omega 6 fatty acids are very well attributed to heart disease.

Heart disease is something that nobody wants to have and has to be avoided at all times, that is the reason why oils with high Omega 6 fatty acid content are not recommended.

Low-Carb Diets Don’t Help People Get Healthier At All

The information landscape is saturated with different diets which sometimes should be ignored since it may be difficult to select the most appropriate diet for each and every person. However, for some individuals, who have access to dietitians and nutritionists, a more individualized approach is often the most effective. One-diet, which still makes people talk low-carb diet is one such which has been in the news. Primarily, this is a protein fat and non starchy vegetables and fruits based diet. The main premise is that carbohydrates are the reason for people putting on weight.

On the other hand, it is not advisable to completely abolish carbs particularly in one’s way of eating. Nevertheless, low carbohydrate diets have been proved to help lose weight as well. This is because the people applying them are likely to consume more of protein food rather than fatty food.

Not All People Need to Cut Down on Their Sodium Intake

Sodium belongs to the hydroxide family of chemical elements and is always found in association with chlorine, American sea salt is not like the common table salt in any ways. There are many reasons for which salt is added on various food however some point, it has been founded that much salt can be manufactured, or that is what has been claimed. A lower sodium level is an advantage for persons with high blood pressure as this can help in controlling it, but for those who do not have any such health related impediments, they need not bother anymore of what their sodium levels is at.

Sodium has remained a myth where one’s wish and need does not centre on salt. There are various medicinal importance that is affiliated with one controlling how much sodium salt is consumed in a household to quite some extent; especially for people with life threatening diseases.

Not All Sugar Is Bad

Sugar by itself is not so harmful I would say especially when it is naturally available in fruits and vegetables, all matters and bad qualities arise from white to brown sugar. This is where serious complications arise: within sources of dried carbohydrate foods there is fructose, which is the sugar found in refined sugars and it can raise blood, induce weight gain, and range, affect all of these factors in a very short time. Furthermore, it can also cause a person to feel hungry, even after the consumption of an entire piece of cake. To state that sugar is simply empty calories is absolutely false.

One such time is perfectly healthy, but frequent use of coffee with added sugar, or frequent snacking and eating meals after even without sugar intake can pose health problems in the future.

Diets High In Fat Won’t Necessarily Contribute To An Increase In Fat

The more calorie-dense diets produce more fatty layers right? This is a misconception that is common because in reality, it is not so cut and dry. Fats come in different types with some being healthy while the body still grown on other macronutrients such as carbohydrates and protein. Some calorie dense and high sugar foods such as ice cream will most likely cause an increase of fat in the body while other kinds of diets which are composed of good fat will actually promote weight loss.

It Has To Do With Determining, What Is The Good Fat, And Staying Away From The Cheeseburgers That Are High In Fat But Lack Important Nutrients Found In Healthy Meals.

Energy Bars Aren’t Really A Great Source Of Nutrition For Busy People

It is safe to say that every grocery shop has set up a section of energy bars which the customers can go through. What I mean is that some have high protein content, some are more of a keto diet, or there are gluten free bars and the list goes on. Nevertheless, if one sees the composition of these bars, and memorizes the amount of sugar in it comparing with that in a candy bar, it is almost similar. Weight watchers and gym enthusiasts are not the only ones who are trying energy bars nowadays, a power bar is only healthy if it is free of processed sugars and other foods which can be very difficult to achieve.

Attention mangoes: For those on the health path, please only take an energy bar which you have done proper investigations as an increase in sugar is not the energy you will be looking for.

Boxed Juice Doesn’t Really Contain Nice Fresh Fruit Juices

Boxed juice appears to be a good substitute for the expensive fresh juices available in grocery stores. Unfortunately, this is not the case as boxed juice is often not even fruit based; and if it says there’s fruit in the square box, there is a good chance that the fruits are all concentrates mixed with lots of poisonous ingredients. Food science is quite impressive though and when it comes to the super-sweet ‘juices’, the combination of artificial sweeteners with other additives makes it all taste as though it is fresh.

This is quite seldom the case, and in this case what is being sweetened is not the actual vitamin C in oranges but chemical substances.

Frozen Yogurt Is Not Way Healthier Than Full Cream Ice Cream

Competition among businesses to attract fresh consumers continues day by day, and as for frozen yogurt, the primary strategy in the marketing for it, is to claim that it is healthier than ice cream. However, this is not the case. For flavored frozen yogurts with a dozen so variations on the other hand, most of these varieties contain a large amount of artificial sugar or sweetener as compared to normal use of sugar and cream for use in full fat ice cream which anyway has a more natural approach. If you are planning to eat frozen yogurt, then opt for the frozen yogurt in its natural form.

Frozen yogurt with no other sugars and with fruits is reasonably nutritious as the entire sugars content comes from the fruits.

Banana Chips Aren’t Necessarily The Healthy Alternative To Processed Potato Chips

What is remarkable about potato chips is that they are tasty and different flavored varieties can also be found in the market ranging from ketchup to sour cream and onion. For many years now, nutrition conscious peoples maintained that banana chips are the healthy replacement alternative for potato chips, but that is yet another false notion. What most consumers tend to ignore is that, banana chips are very crispy because they contain a lot of adulterated oil, sweetened with sugar and salt.

Other potato chips also contain those adulterated fats and high sugar and sodium content. If you do want to have some chips, just get a reasonably sized serving of the real stuff.

Canned Soups Are Not Just As Nutritious As Homemade Soups

Canned soups are particularly convenient on a cold day when you do not feel like preparing lunch, however, the benefits that they provide to you nutrition wise is nothing like the one offered by the homemade variant. When you consume homemade soups, you are well aware of the contents, how much of salt has been added and the absence of any suspicious preservatives. On the contrary, canned soups are designed to have a prolonged shelf life in which case there are ingredients to enhance the shelf life of the soup, such as preservatives, colors even sweeteners.

It’s always better to make a quick soup instead of using a tin if you’ve got the time. Your body will thank you for it.

Diet Sodas Without Sugar Aren’t Better Than Regular Sodas

First off, diet sodas still come with some caffeine in them as the case is always much. Thus, if you consume both of them, you will still experience the zing of energy. But regarding the sodas that say diet, some of them contain the sweetening agent that is termed as aspartame. The only reason it is used is because a little bit goes way further in sweetness than a lot of the standard sugar used. Those who’s quenching their thirst with some have diet sodas don’t want to consume sugar in large amounts; however, some will tell you the original, is what one wants.

There are more sugar free foods available in the market than you could imagine, but people need to understand how those ‘food’ items fit into the overall capacity of maintaining a different and sometimes unhealthy eating pattern. Sugars should always be taken in moderation and that includes no exception for various sugar subproducts. That is why the lady in the first picture uses organic and healthy ingredients.

Fresh Meat Is Probably As Hygienic As Packaged Meat

There is nothing unusual about meat markets in many countries. One looks at their shopping list, and that is the time to walk to a meat market to buy some fresh chicken or beef. It is some of this meat that is unhealthy, such as when one doesn’t exactly know where the meat comes from, but usually, fresh butchers have the best cuts. Packaged meat may look in high demand in the supermarket, but in practice, it is not the case.

As post-in show time meat must be given in some packing that is not sold on that day, most of the middle sized large grocery sebos with meat sections shall sprinkle some meat preservative.

Sports Drinks Don’t Really Provide All Of The Electrolytes And Hydration Athletes Need

There is always a big jug that holds an equally saucy sports drink wherever there is any sporting activity. Players will drink these while playing in order to avoid getting thirsty and many will disregard fatigue and consume these drinks after exercising. If the bright blue, yellow, or red color isn’t a tip-off that these drinks are unhealthy for the body, then the ingredients should. Such drinks have high-fructose corn syrup as sweeteners and artificial colors.

What we all know is that, fructose is simply a sugar that’s found in products that have been sweetened with refined sugar. Not only does it serve no purpose in providing one with any amount of liquid, it in fact makes many people give up their need to eat and drink, only to get more thirst and hunger later on.

Low-Fat Milk Isn’t Really Better for Weight-Watchers Than Full-Fat Milk

Milk, yogurt, butter, and other dairy products come in various percentage increments; some, like skim milk, can also be helpful with weight loss. The reality is that milk with more water content may look healthier but this again is not the truth. Some additives are added to the liquid as protein powder and fake vitamins to make the milk low fat. None help in bringing weight down, and they can actually cause digestive problems.

Calcium intake for bone health is a concern but there are other calcium-rich vegan milks that come with a lot less preservatives.

Is Malt Vinegar Eaten With Fish And Chips Really Vinegar?

Unlike other vinegars, malt vinegar has a distinctive brown color. While there is a degree of “sugar sweetness” in it, the color is not as deep as that of balsamic vinegar. It may be said that the absence of malt vinegar has meant making a substitution, but due you know the substitute is more often than not a so-called ‘non brewed condiment?’ This condiment is rather simple to make because it only involves dissolving ethanoic acid and few artificial flavors and colors.

Since it is not the authentic product and is less expensive to manufacture in huge volumes, it does not mean that the same advantages in terms of nutrients will be as if it were organic.

Two Minute Noodles Don’t Exist But Ten Minute Noodles Do

We are all human beings and we absolutely want to have a fast meal from time to time, which is why instant noodles are recognized as one of the quickest meals to prepare in dire conditions. However, if one sits down to truly analyze how long on average it takes to prepare an instant noodles meal, they will definitely try themselves wrong since it isn’t just two minutes. First of all, there is the need to bowl water, which is definitely a couple of minutes activity.

Then the hard noodles are poured into a bowl, the spices are added, the noodles are covered and sit for around five minutes before they are fully ready to eat. That is about ten minutes altogether on the preparation alone without even cooking.

Drinking Alcohol Probably Won’t Lead To A Peaceful Long Sleep

Relaxing with a glass of fine wine or a pint after a long day of work is a good practice, however depending on two or more of these will not make one’s sleep enjoyable like most people really think it will. Despite the fact that alcohol often gets one sleepy at first, it rather disqualifies one from having real restful sleep for quite some time. Indeed, the alcoholic substance does induce sleep in people, but is also associated with relieving them from that induced state after a few hours which culminates into tiredness.

Many people find this discomforting since the ideal way around is to take only one or two drinks, anything more and the chances of having a sound sleep may be compromised. No one wants to wake up with the effect of the previous night’s drink when they have to go to work the next day too!

Store Bought Hummus Is Not A Nice Healthy Snack

Hummus is another Middle Eastern dish which works both as a condiment and as a dip too. Many types are produced in large quantities and can be purchased at a grocery store. However, these are not as healthy as they look. The branded hummus is filled with sodium, and some brands contain enough sodium to make a dozen bags of potato chips. Although many of you may enjoy a large quantity of sodium in your food, all that sodium is not good for you in one sitting.

To continue treating yourself to hummus, try then preparing some of it yourself, which is quite simple with a food processor or blender. Less sodium is preferred than more sodium.

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