Common Health Symptoms That Can Be Signs Of Something More Serious

Unhealthy Cholesterol Levels Can Cause Bumps Around Your Eyes

This one is a little more difficult to see in the photograph, although in real life it is less difficult to see that there are small bumps coming up around the eyes. Should one ever be so unfortunate as to witness such a thing take place, it is an early indicator of the presence of high cholesterol levels. These bumps are medically termed as xanthelasma and these bumps contain cholesterol. Sometimes they go away without any treatment, but other times they need to be treated surgically.

There may not even be a reason for such alarm because they are not always indicative of high cholesterol levels, however for peace of mind and since the best policy is “better safe than sorry”, one might as well get investigated.

Itchy, Chapped Lips? It Could Be Allergies

Chapped lips are experienced by almost everyone and has a number of causes, on the other hand, itchy lips are less common. In some cases, it is possible to have itching of the lips as a symptom of allergy. In this case, it can be caused by something on the surface or even a makeup, a moisturizer and other items. In any case, if they are feeling nice yes however I would advise against any new products if that is the case because clearly the lips would be itching.

If the itching stops when you throw it away then it means whatever they have been using on their lips has made them too dry and itchy and yes that was why they been wanting those products to wear or apply.

Sore Hands Can Sometimes Be A Symptom Of Autoimmune Issues

As for the aches, they are usually of no concern in most cases, barring having middle aged female in oneself. There are occasions when many aches and the pointed thigs can mean something worse. Sore hands are the ones most often complained by patients with dermatomyositis, and this is an unusual disease which is chronic. This disease itself also on some occasions can indicate cancer and other severe diseases in the circle of other symptoms patterns.

That said, red flag symptoms do arise, inflammation of the hands in particular, when even if mostly it clears up without medication, one is always wise to find out the underlying issues.

Lupus Can Cause Rashes To Appear On Your Face

People with chronic rashes may notice that their skin is unusually swollen. If you observe this and have not exposed yourself to the sun, you are most likely having a rash. If that’s the case, it is quite often of little concern. But in very rare instances, it can indicate the presence of a disease like lupus and it’s characteristically a butterfly-shaped rash occurring on the cheeks and nose as is shown in the picture.

This condition known as Lupus can hit a number of various organs in the body and is best diagnosed as early as possible before it becomes a dangerous disease.

Color Changes In Lips Can Be Caused By Liver Issues

There are a couple of different explanations for sudden color changes in your lips. However, one of the more serious causes can be issues associated with your liver. This can include the development of liver disease. That’s why it’s extremely important to see your doctor if you notice changes in the color of your lips. Odds are it’s probably nothing much more serious than a nuisance on cosmetic level, but it never hurts to be safe.

You can often hear that liver diseases are associated with some changes in the color of your skin and other areas of the body due to the excessive accumulation of bilirubin in the liver and blood. Such as yellow sclera or jaundice.

Stress Can Cause The Eye To Twitch

Even for the strongest of us, the experience of an eye twitch that never seems to fade can be quite bothersome. It has been said that stress is one of the common causes of eye twitching – the body’s involuntary spasms. And although doctors cannot pinpoint exactly what makes the eye strain, stress has always been associated with the problem. Thankfully, even if one does get an eye twitch, it is likely to subside on its own with time, and it is not something that deserves excessive panic, unlike some other diseases one is bound to come across in this list.

The same cannot be said for the latter argument, because if anything should be emphasized here, it is that just as you have realized, stress is not much of a friend. That is especially true in this case where the eye twitching is observed on more than one occasion; it becomes chronic, stress may create other more serious health hazards.

Extremely Chapped Lips Can Indicate a Vitamin Deficiency

Some consumers have raised concerns with our company, especially with those associated with contacts with chapped lips. Such an issue is since there are a multitude of factors that contribute to the drying of the lips. But, in case you have been suffering from chapped lips, and they are quite aggressive and refuse to go away even after you smother them with lip balm all day long, the body may be deficient in a vitamin known as B12.

What is even more worrisome is that one can suffer from deficiency of vitamin B12 and also suffer from other diseases such as anemia Thus it is better to handle the problem as much as possible early in the development.

Rough Or Hard Skin Can Be A Sign Of Scleroderma

On a rare occasion, a patient may suffer from a disorder known as scleroderma. Drastic, even ugly, cuts in the skin tissue may mean someone has sclerodermia and if only a small area is affected the condition is not too bad. But in extreme variants of the disease, the damage of organs may occur in addition to skin damage, it often involves many different life-threatening symptoms. This is also the reason why it is advisable to go to a doctor as soon as you think you have scleroderma.

As soon as you realize, what degree of scleroderma you have, the better, because doctors will be able to prepare and treat the symptoms of that chronic disease at a better level, than if they came to know about it in the later stages.

Chronically Dry Skin Could Mean You’re Dehydrated

Most people have had dry skin at one point or another- it’s either too much sun or too little moisturizer. But in some cases, dry skin persists despite putting on lotion and that may be an indication of dehydration. There is a need for an adequate amount of water in the skin just like the other parts of the body. Just in case you realize that the surface of the skin is much drier than usual, pay attention to the intake of liquid.

If the problem does not resolve, then one should consider an appointment with a physician as dry or flaking skin may be a symptom of one or more other conditions.

Addison’s Disease Can Produce Dark Patches

Dark spots may develop suddenly and mostly they do not warrant any cause for concern, especially when one is sun exposed. However on rare occasions they can be due something internally called Addison’s disease. This is due to autoimmune diseases, which is the damage of the adrenal glands which is the cause of the adrenal insufficiency manifestation, when the body does not have enough cortisol. There are some consequences whenever this disease can be overwhelming, however, it is under total control too.

Few of the symptoms regarding this disease are described as the pain in the lower back area nausea and pre syncope. They are however usually only present for those brief periods when generalised attacks or fit spasms occur.

Small Bumps On The Lips Sometimes Indicate An Infection

They may not look that serious but small white bumps on your lips can be sources of concern. Both, they are very conspicuous and they may appear all of a sudden. Although the causes of these bumps can vary, and they may even stop being dangerous; at times, and possibly the most frightening for a person, they indicate a viral infection. More in the remote instances still, white bumps on the lips can be a symptom of a candidal infection.

But I have to mention that this is very generously orientated. And as I have noted earlier, generally more than white bumps on the lips are of no concern. If they fail to clear in several days it would still be wise to go and consult your doctor.

Changes In Moles Can Be Caused By Skin Cancer

This is one of those that can be a bit more difficult than for the majority. However, it is important to be aware that such changes or the appearance of moles can also be caused by the skin cancer. That is why, for example, it is very important to make utensils regularly visit a specialist and to report any alterations you are worried about. Of course we are not saying that people have to worry about their every single mole every other day, but it is something which should be taken note of.

It is the same reason why most health experts also say that those who have small moles are more likely to get melanoma, which is a type of cancer that develops on the skin surface.

Breakouts in This Area Could Be Due to Poor Lifestyle Habits

To begin with, people should know that breakouts don’t always mean that patients have poor lifestyle habits. Unlike some, others tend to have chronic acne for entirely different reasons. But in some other cases, an outbreak can indicate poor nutritional habits or some other lifestyles such as tobacco use, smoking. However, if the cause of your breakouts is due to such habits, then it is quite easy to alter silly habits like nutrition or stop smoking to reduce the breakouts.

Stress and some medications also may be to blame for helping the emergence of breakouts, which illustrates the need for a doctor’s help if other reasons for your breakouts seem to exist.

Large, Swollen Veins Can Be A Sign Of Diabetes

Though many people can have purple veins for a number of luxuries reasons for some it might be just that it is cold outside. Large, conspicuous, purple veins are also quite common for patients who have some underlying conditions such as diabetes. When it is diabetes that causes the purple veins, there is swelling on the veins and the features of the veins are more pronounced than the ones in the photograph shown. This is typically seen in the lower limbs and the upper extremities of the human body.

It is a good idea to note when it occurs and to report it to a health professional as soon as possible because it is essential to be screened for or be treated for diabetes.

Smooth, Waxy Lumps Might Point to Organ Problems

Unlike some of the other conditions on this list, it is relatively difficult to lose sight of waxy lumps growing on the body. Depending on the shape and the size, there are a couple of different conditions that can accompany something like that. However, one of the more serious causes of that involves the accumulation of protein on one of your organs. Usually, these deposits appear on the heart, but they may also appear in almost every organ in the body.

Fortunately, this is fairly infrequent, and in some cases, the development of these waxy lumps, which provoke no fear, is, nevertheless, completely innocuous. Still, a doctor’s consultation is recommended in most cases with paraffin-like bumps noticed.

Pale Lips Could Mean You Have Anemia

There are a number of reasons why the color of the lips may fade and in this article, we will try to explain a few of the more serious ones. First of all, anemia may be the first cause for the pale appearance of the lips. The etiology of the disease is rather grave. It happens when sufficient amounts of red blood cells cannot be formed in the body. Other than that, low blood sugar levels may lead to a pale appearance of one’s lips, and even though it seems to be irrelevant, this particular condition could be a symptom of deeper underlying problems.

In addition, people with pale lips may become unable to consume anemia because this is a sign that your body is lacking in certain essential vitamins. However, there is more than one vitamin that deficiency leads to white lips so because costs tend to some specialist helps a lot in case you think because xray vitamin possessaneайт.

Yellow, Brown Spots Can Be Caused By Necrobiosis Lipoidica

The two yellow spots found in this photograph might appear as normal bruising, but these fever spots could also be brought about by what is referred to as necrobiosis lipoidica. The hard to say condition results in a lot of rough or hard patches skin. Fortunately, the said condition is rather uncommon and it’s actually quite manageable given proper care. The only problem is that in the absence of treatment it may lead to the desirability of other forms of medicine meaning that additional procedures other than the standard ones may be needed and scarring or bothersome infections may be one of those.

However, any time you see those and similar patches that are not soft to touch like the bruise or that you feel should not be so, as a rule, make a visit to the doctor’s office.

Lines Under Your Nails Can Indicate Heart Disease

Should you have bruised your hand or your nail, you are well aware that for instance, deep bruises can cause the formation of a dark area that is found below the nail. Something similar is the case with heart disease. In other rare cases when someone has heart disease, red or purple lines are seen under the nails. Those are known as splinter hemorrhages, running in the direction of the length of the nail. Whenever you observe something like that in your hand, it will be best to go to the doctor.

Heart disease is quite a grave ailment, and just like every other kind of illness this one too has its history on how it was diagnosed and treated.

Wrinkles In Weird Places Are Sometimes Caused By Blood Flow Issues

No one wants to admit this, but deep down everyone understands one thing: With age, everyone will at some point most likely develop some wrinkles on the face. However, some areas such as the arms or legs do not show such wrinkling, and such wrinkling if any, could sometimes indicate some blood flow complications. This includes things like high blood pressure. Another common cause is heart disease. And even though those are grave conditions, in less severe circumstances it will still be wise to seek a medical attention for the unwanted wrinkles.

Whichever the case, however, some internal pictures of the arms can as well be caused by some other more or less fun dermatoses and not necessarily by heart diseases or hypertensions, chemotherapeusis or date restrictions with doctors, so don’t panic if you have something similar.

Yellow, White Patches in the Eye Can Be Caused By Too Much Sun

Even though the average person understands that sun protection is a must when they are outside for an extended period of time, very few even think about protecting the eyes. The fact of the matter is that, yes it is important to protect the eyes just like the way it is important to protect the skin from the rays of the sun. One of the easiest ways coping with this is by using shades as they protect the eyes from the harmful UV rays.

Citing the absence of sunglasses, there are one or two yellowish thin or whiten patches which tend to be found surrounding the iris region. Fortunately, these patches are a beauty issue only and to the best of my knowledge, have not been associated with any other issues so far.

Velvety Skin Can Be A Sign Of Pre-Diabetes

As appealing as the thought of having beautifully soft and velvety skin may be, the unfortunate truth is that this may be a symptom of something more serious. Velvety skin tends to make an appearance when there is excess production of insulin in the body, and excess production of insulin is a worrying sign that you might be at risk of developing diabetes. As such, you ought to consult with medical practitioners.

The same complaints can sometimes arise around the folds of the skin, darkening the color of the skin. In some extreme cases, it can be an indication of cancer of one of the organs.

Ulcers Might Indicate a Weak Immune System

Should you have suffered from an ulcer, you are aware that they are irritating and very troublesome. They give persistent pain and other than that, all what there is possible is to let the body heals itself. Normally, however, they tend to be rare in occurrence. For some people, frequent attacks of ulcer could be a pointer to the fact that their immunity is generally very low and needs upping fast or as soon as possible. They can also be a warning sign of other longer lasting diseases.

Should you have begun to observe that your ulcers are not improving or as soon as you erase one, another appears, then it would be advisable to book an appointment with a doctor.

Damaged Eyes Are Sometimes Caused By High Blood Pressure

Further, this is the only medical condition in this category, which can only be diagnosed by an optometrist. Often high blood pressure can lead to damage of the eye if it is not taken care of. Generally, there is damage done to the blood vessels in the eye but it is often too small to see. Usually, an eye doctor can detect that damage at a normal visit. If your doctor either ascertains or denies the presence of damaged blood vessels in the eyeball, it is recommended to perform additional studies.

Essential hypertension in most cases brings a lot of health risks if overlooked, and very few of them are harmless. Such adverse conditions include things like heart diseases and stroke.

Stress Can Cause Wrinkles On Your Top Lip

Wrinkles are ugly, but there is nothing we can do about it, you may not appreciate this, but it’s true. Wrinkles are something that no matter how much you try you cannot really prevent them from coming up at all. There are however also those situations when at least a wrinkle on the upper lip can be because of stress. When people are in a situation that causes them stress, they often clench or tighten their mouths and the surrounding areas which causes wrinkles to form. So, don’t forget about it if it happens that you develop more wrinkles around your upper lip more than before.

For those of you who may be concerned about the future, particularly about wrinkles that may arise from expressive marginal regions of the mouth, it is also helpful to bear this in mind.

Floaters Are Sometimes A Sign Of A Tear

Everyone has witnessed these little spots or nuisance companions known as floaters at least once in their lives. For instance, they can develop after one rubs their eyes, and they are often not a cause for concern. Nevertheless, at times, these dots can appear after one has had a perforation on their retinal tissue. Whenever you move your eye quickly or rub it too much, it usually leads to a perforation. These perforations may appear to be a mild issue, but, they have a risk of developing into severe such conditions.

One of the concerns is the detachment of any tissue that forms part of the eye while it may not be a good description of the condition. This condition can be safely treated if reasonable attempts are made to manage the problem promptly after it happens.

Cold Sores Could Be Herpes

You may not like it, but the truth is that cold sores are a result of the herpes virus. It is not so bad though as the strain of the virus that gives one cold sores is not as bad as some other strains which people are used to. Of course, cold sores are nothing new, and almost every single person has had them at some point in their lives.

However, cold sores will tend to resolve on their own in about a week or so, however there are some treatments available that can reduce the time it takes for the sore to heal.

Blurry Vision Can Indicate Diabetes

It’s not true all the time, but sometimes blurry vision can also be an indicator that you are a diabetes patient. Moreover, these can also be a symptom of cataracts or macular degeneration the former being more than as undesirable as other reasons. Hence, one should make it a point to visit an eye specialist on a routine basis who is well versed in identifying diabetes in the patient with just looking at the eyes. If by some chance you find that your vision has become fuzzy for no clear reason, then it would be advisable for you to make a booking for an appointment straight away.

That said, there can be other reasons for blurry vision that may be less severe than diabetes and even some that might be more serious than this disease itself.

Red, Scaly Skin Can Be A Sign Of Psoriasis

If you have been itching or scratching your skin consistently lately and are unable to place the cause, there is a possibility that you might have a medical condition called psoriasis. This condition brings about the excessive production of the skin covering cells – leading to this shiny appearing scaly rash. Although it may seem pretty bad, there exist a few remedies out there that can actually clear it up.

There is also some sliver of hope that you might be able to notice that your psoriasis resolves itself. This, however, is not the most common occurrence; therefore one should be seeking to treat the psoriasis.

A Ring Around The Eye Can Be Caused By Cholesterol

Although this image may be considered wonderful by some people, it is actually a sign of an ailment. A ring might start to develop in your eye, which means that you can have high cholesterol. It is recommended that you go and seek medical advice as soon as you can. There are instances when these rings simply appear as part of the aging process in some individuals and aren’t really a major source of worry.

Metabolic disorders, such as high cholesterol or high pressure in people’s arteries, can also lead to a number of health cuts. There are many of them including heart attack, stroke and tiredness among others. Most times high levels of cholesterol and high blood pressure are related.

Yellowing Skin Can Be Caused By Jaundice

The pale orange tint of the skin can cause distress to some individuals. However, many ailments on this list are rather commonplace but, clearly, this one is not. If you have pale yellow skin, some of the reasons could be jaundice and hepatitis – neither of which is particularly pleasant. Hence it is in your best interest to get evaluated as soon as you realize that the color of your skin has started changing to pale yellow. Jaundice also makes the white of the eyes turn yellow and that is applicable too.

Jaundice in itself can be from the liver, kidney stones and maybe other health problems, this is why it is imperative to be able to see a doctor to figure out what else may be wrong.

Purple Patterns Are Sometimes Caused By Blocked Arteries

Many people turn purple when it gets a bit cold outside. Of which most people do not see as something which is alarming. However, sometimes purple, net-patterned lines appear somewhere on the body, and there is usually very little understanding of this phenomenon. This is occasionally associated with a blocked artery and is not alarming in the least bit. Usually, these appear on the legs but they can have other locations. Other factors are also important. But these are not uncommon in medic in pathological situations.

If you notice something similar in your body, do not hesitate, as even a little hesitation can lead to a lot of health issues related to the blood flow system.

Smoking Too Much Can Stain Your Lips

However, while most people would probably say that smoking possibly even one cigarette could be termed as smoking ‘too much,’ and we would not quarrel with them, there is a real way to explain that you are probably smoking a bit too much. For example, if you ever find out your lips are somehow colored like these in the photo, and you are a smoker, it may be time for you to stop smoking. You may experience decreased circulation to the tissues of the lips too, when smoking is excessive.

When this occurs, it may result in an alteration of the color of the lips or deposits of dark pigmentation in certain areas of the lips. It may also cause the skin around the mouth to develop fine lines and lines.

Different Underlying Conditions Can Cause Large Blisters

Almost all people are not blisters at the outset. However, having blisters as big as the one in this photo is quite rare and generally suggests some kind of illness. Where the blister is, especially where there is no itch. There are a couple of different conditions that can result in a large and painless blister. Regardless of what the explanation is, though, there is a need to seek medical attention, if such a blister and its cause has been found.

That is the case because, with the blister, it is not the climate or what you wear that has brought about the formation of the blister, but rather it is some pathology that is taking place inside you that needs to be corrected.

Puffy Eyes Are A Sign Of Sleep Deprivation

Although this is rather common knowledge, it is nevertheless, important. If you have noticed bags around your eyes, then you could say that the sleep you are getting is inadequate. All in all, this isn’t that much of an issue considering that every once in a while, there are nights that people don’t sleep at all. Otherwise, if it continues being a problem, it is reasonable to take it up with a physician, since sleep is vital to the body.

Lack of sleep can lead to an array of other concerns, some of which are mentioned on this list. Hence if puffy eyes become an issue, increasing sleep should be the priority.

Dry Lips Can Be A Sign Of Dehydration

Sore or cracked lips are a problem that most people have at least once especially in winter. It typically means that winter is coming or it is typically blustery outside. But there are times that one’s dryness of the lips can actually mean that they have not drunk enough water. However, if it hasn’t been blustery or one hasn’t been out in the cold, and still one’s lips seem to be very dry, then one may want to remember to increase their water intake. Being water deficient can be the source of a lot of health issues.

Certainly, when such need of water arises it is best to get it out of the way and treat dehydration so that its severity does not lead to radiating heat especially during hot days.

Eye Infections Can Quickly Turn Serious

It is rather straightforward to find a sore on or about your eyeball whereas one of the symptoms below might be more annoying. Specifically, or in this case, it would be safe to say that they can be quite hard to miss. Nevertheless, that does not mean that some people do not and take their time in seeking medical attention from a physician. Do not follow such assumptions because an eye infection in advanced forms may result in blindness.

Therefore, it is only wise to go to a healthcare facility the moment you feel pain especially if it is in the region near the eye. The eye is one of the areas that should be protected and hence any such areas even if not commonly affected should be treated.

A High Temperature And Rash Can Indicate Rheumatic Fever

In general, rash does not seem to be accompanied by any fever. There is usually at least some sensation of the rash being itchy. Therefore, in case of a rash accompanied with a fever, and very minor itching has been noticed, that may be a clue that you have something called rheumatic fever. This disease is infrequent in developed countries, but travelling a lot cannot ensure the absence of this illness and it can result in certain diseases.

The good news is that many of the more severe symptoms which one might expect could develop as the condition progresses can actually be completely prevented provided that the condition is diagnosed and treated in a timely manner. Still it never actually disappears entirely.

Constantly Rubbing Your Eyes Can Lead To Wrinkles

Every now and again, everyone has that urge to rub their eyes for one reason or the other, more so people with allergies or the tired ones. Obviously, you have to try as much as you can to avoid in any case constantly prodding the eye, as it leads to the formation of wrinkles around the eye or it makes the skin underneath the eyelids sag, which is not pleasing to the eye. Fortunately, there is a wideness of over-the counter remedies that discourage people toward eye rubbing habits.

They’re usually effective for the skin in one way or the other which means that it is of no harm to apply them and other skin do to you so that you do not look as if you just woke up.

Jaundice Can Cause Yellow Eyes

This list contains several types of jaundice signs, and the one that is most observed is yellowing of the eyes. It is common knowledge that the liver is one organ that can cause jaundice, although there are some other factors such as kidney stones, tumors and pancreas problems that can cause it. In whatever situation, you ought to go to the hospital as soon as you observe that your whites of the eyes are changing to yellow, or are no longer as white.

As a bonus, jaundice also brings certain distinctive features with it that is why it can be difficult to overlook jaundice rather than some more chronic symptoms on the list that can easily be ignored.

The Sun Can Damage Lips And Lead To Dark Spots

Sometimes they are referred to as sunspots on the lips which appear due to prolonged sun exposure. In the case that these do occur, it would be advisable to avoid commuting outside for a reasonable amount of time. Fortunately, they are not usually associated with further complications, and they are sometimes ‘cured’, although the treatment is quite long and involves the use of laser facilities or , less successfully, creams.

In cases when the dark spots on your lips are caused in negligible degree, and its exposure relieved, dark spots can even disappear naturally.

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