Real Comics That Show Parenting Struggles When Having Another Baby

A Bun In The Oven

In preparation for the arrival of the newborn, their siblings especially need to understand that mommy’s tummy still needs time to grow before welcoming the baby. For elder siblings especially there is always a phase where the newest member becomes very confusing. They have been the center of their parents’ love and devotion and all of a sudden, they realize that with the arrival of a sibling, they wouldn’t be the sole center anymore.

In order for the only child to accept the omitted idea of a new family member, it is wise to make them included in all celebratory activities such as the ultrasound at the hospital. This way, they begin to know that there is another living being who is growing inside, and in about two years, they will have a companion to play with.

Changing Bodies

It is admirable to many that it is possible for a human system to give birth. During a pregnancy, a woman’s body undergoes numerous changes.

It is biological in nature that most women will realize that it is normal for their bellies to swell because every organ has to be accommodated for space by the developing fetus. On top of that, a few new stretch marks might appear, along with some general squishiness. That’s totally fine, all these changes are part of this wonderful process.

Let The Romancing Begin

Every couple must always experience something a little different, even when one of them is nearing nine months of pregnancy. Just be careful with a this is a couple of things, especially in regard to spatial awareness.

We are all in support of big gestures, but then again, there is no way a pregnant lady is gonna lose her head with a door frame while her husband tries to whisk her off her feet. Let us drama be after the delivery.

The Triple Spoon

Several children do not like to sleep alone during the first two years of their life, which is why, as a general rule, the parents put the crib or the bassinet next to their bed.

This particular family enjoys napping as a group in a big cuddle or cluster. Which is a good way for everyone to find the amount of love they need.

Trying To Work

Because of the newness of experiences for babies and toddlers, they think that all of the world is a play home.

This means all the buttons, including the ones at eye level, must be pushed and how a parent ends up losing a whole lot of new comics and starts over again – oops.

Let The Countdown Begin

However, this situation changes a bit when children come in the picture as special occasions such as New Year’s Eve definitely have a different outlook. Rather than awake waiting for the stroke of midnight, it is more or less trying to go to sleep to reach the stroke in this case.

But that does not mean that one has to give up on some kinda fun. It just tells that certain things need to be emphasized in some shifting of things, and the fun can be while the kids are a bit old

New Life

Babies start moving in a mother’s belly at about 5 months’ gestation. At first, it is just fluttering and as the baby develops, one can actually see this baby in action.

What seems to be an extraterrestrial on the move is just a child kick struggling to find a good position. Do not panic.

Double Bellies

The time when a child’s mother becomes pregnant can be a rather confusing period. It’s confusing to comprehend that a new brother or sister is developing in mom’s tummy.

That is why parents need to make it clear to their child or children that a new baby brother or sister is going to join them, this is in preparation to avoid surprising them.

Filling Out

As we all know that the belly does grow over the gestation period, it is also a fact that other body parts too grow. Under garments may have to be resized or even discarded altogether.

In the case of women who experience an advance in a bustline and rather rapidly too, we propose grasping a plain sports bra until you will need nursing bras.

Scooting Around

The majority of babies take their first steps within their first 12 to 24 months. No parent will forget the joy of seeing their baby taking those vital CRUNCH steps for the very first time.

Once a toddler starts creeping around, wanting especially to sit, stand and walk, one must be cautious that the home has been made child safe in all corners. Every little and handy finger wants to explore!

First Words

Every parent recalls the day when their baby utters their first word. It could be ‘Da-da’ or ‘up.’ This, however, is a moment that has to be marked regardless.

On the other side, Yehuda and Maya’s baby girl touched her little hands that were stretched towards her mother and said ‘Ma…Ma’ which was a wet-eyed moment for these two.

All Tucked In

The body pillow has to be one of the most brilliant inventions in mankind. By its own, it shapes the body of anyone using it but more importantly, for pregnant women a sturdy baby belly needs a comfortable resting place and this soft baby is perfect for that.

Body pillows may not fit very well in a bed with a partner but then on the other hand not having a body pillow is a small price to pay for having the comfort of one while pregnant right? It can be quite difficult to get a good night sleep when pregnant.

Alone Time

Making babies is great fun; however, once the baby is born, things in the couple’s bedroom will probably take quite a while to normalize.

Some new toys need to be developmentally introduced to the couple to get the engine back in motion as it were. The couples that ‘play’ together ‘stay’ together right?

Carrying The Load

Depending on the woman, a baby bump can be heavy, about 20 pounds. Most women will shed about 13 pounds the minute she gives birth, but till then, such additional weight is difficult for the back.

Having a pregnant partner sometimes can be tiring even in the day to day activities. Even the simple act of just leaning against a partner, or having a partner support the belly, can relieve back pain.

Feeling Insecure

For some women, it is hard to accept and appreciate that the body is no longer the same as it used to be. Stretch marks are nothing fatal, nor is skin that has lost elasticity.

For those who are self-conscious, put on that sexy one-piece or bikini bottom and wear it without shame. Nobody is judging you, and, after all, your body has done what can only be described as a miracle – given birth. Be proud of it!

Time For School

There comes a time for every parent when the child has grown enough to be sent to preschool or kindergarten. It is a significant event because it signifies less physical interaction with your child.

For some, they long for this new liberty, but the concern for the welfare of your child will always remain. That said, the process of maturing can be quite an adjustment.

A Helping Hand

You’ve got to be familiar with the motto, ‘Help I have fallen and I cannot get up.’ Who can forget pregnant women; it is only the falling that is substituted for just lying horizontally.

When babies start to grow, and the tummies get heavier, it becomes more difficult for pregnant women to be as carefree in their movements as they used to be. That means their partners always have to be there to lift the person from the ground or the sofa.

Beach Bodies

Some partners have the habit of rhythm eating along with their pregnant significant other. That usually implies both the lady and her partner are welcome to gain extra weight.

A few of those extra pounds will eventually have to be shed, but that will not require a lot of work in the gym. Just begin with some mild cardio and cut down on junk food and slowly the weight will come off. Tending a toddler all day is a great way to get in shape.

Cover Your Nose

Kids, especially the young ones, can be said to be like mini sponges who can soak in whatever is available. It is important that children especially learn at home the mannerisms and etiquette required of them.

An essential step in child development is to avoid exposure to disease-causing organisms, which involves teaching children to use a handkerchief when coughing or sneezing for instance. This may prevent mucus from that organ or other harmful organisms from being expelled into the environment. Still, this is something that has to be practiced!

Glued To The Television

One must thoroughly engage toddlers, because if not done, they may get ingenious and keep themselves occupied in other ways, like coloring the walls with markers.

Next way on how to entertain the kids without much sound is to turn on that magic thing called the television. It is effective for looking after children for a reasonably long time.

Food Cravings

Inquire of any woman who has been pregnant and she will tell you that she’s experienced very weird food cravings. For example, some women want to eat salty foods like pickles.

Other women don’t just want to eat a burger with a few condiments; they want to eat a burger with all the condiments ever made. Even though these combinations may seem rather unappetizing, do not be critical of what your spouse eats. There is a purpose to the baby inside her whys this.

Getting Everything Done

Women were born with the special trait of multitasking and this is quite evident. While writing an email, these women can go grocery shopping and also keep an eye on their toddler.

For some men, it is a bit of a different story. Yehuda crazily ridiculed himself for not being able to multitask, which I am sure will strike a chord with some fathers.

Going On Vacation

While born babies have an innate thirst and fearlessness for water, it is neither a wonder nor curiosity. Most infants know how to turn face down into the water to avoid suffocation. When they grow older, babies can be taught how to swim: starting off with inflatable armbands and gradually without them.

Perhaps the parents take the baby swimming while on family vacations or the baby is literally taught one essential rule – Don’t pee in the pool. This appears to be another parent who simply forgets such rules and needs to be reminded.


People come from various family structures as well as every parent has a different childhood experience. These childhood and family dynamics are what every individual parent in one way or another brings into that family formation.

From time to time, these different ways of bringing up a child tend to cause several disagreements, but still, parents need to keep in mind that it is a teamwork. It is a must that every person tries to get along with each other for the sake of their child.

Getting A Boo-Boo

Growing comes with the necessity to learn how to stumble and rise back up again. Young boys and girls will tumble over, bruise their knees, and learn that pain is part of life.

It is alright to have cuts and scrapes, because mom and dad can usually kiss them away and a charming little band-aid picture will help soothe the hurt. There is always a parent to fix everything.

A Time Out

Time outs are not only meant for children but also for parents. There are instances when parents require a little time away from taking care of their child. It is not because they do not love their child but sometimes it can get too much.

It is important for partners to ensure that both parents have time with the baby independently. Even if the baby is in tears and screaming. If it gets to that stage for mum or dad, please say so and get help.

A Stinky Surprise

Dinner time is perhaps the most anticipated period of the day for most people. May be as an example your other half had put in effort making some tasty spaghetti for hours, or some other good meal.

There is always that raucous poop encased inside a dirty diaper and the smell it gives off that no one coming over to eat wants to encounter. Make it a habit to do a quick diaper sniff before settling down for dinner to prevent prolonged periods of no appetizing scents.

Incoming Baby Alert

An ordinary thing in the life of most expecting parents is to get into the car and reach the delivery room in time, but that is usually the case when the contractions begin. Some women may be able to give birth within hours while others may be in labor for days.

This experience is very subjective and everybody has their own birth story and based on what it looks like for Yehuda and Maya, it probably involved a little bit of shouting and perhaps a little bit of hustle and bustle. That is completely okay because it is almost time for a new being to be born!

Always Shut Your Mouth

Far and away one of the most mundane tasks when it comes to being a parent has to be nappy changing. It seems like somehow in every few hours, or at times several minutes, the depaer has to be changehich may lead somewhere more.

If this comic teaches you anything, it is this – do not keep your mouth open when changing a dirty diaper. Cut that the mouth would be filled with surprise.

A New Addition

Recently, this lovely couple has welcomed a baby boy into their family, which of course necessitated the creation of a comic about this event.

As per the caption provided for the cartoon, this new addition is known as Ethan ‘the new super ultra mega baby boy’. We are looking forward to how he will be depicted on Yehuda’s future works in several months.

All Tuckered Out

At the end of a day spent babysitting, it is clear that both spouses will be shattered. Every one needs sleep, so the bedtime is not only for the baby. Many families try to harmonize sleeping time with their children.

This way, when the baby has a sleep and parents can have some rest, everybody is pleased as a child is not up yet and the whole picture has to be repeated over and over. We have kids and get to sleep when we can, so sorry about that clone.

A Few Tickles

It has been noticed that whenever there is a new child, several people around often cheer. From the time that little person is born, everything seems possible.

Baby Ethan does like a little of the coochy coo with daddy as well as a sprinkle of tummy time. To infants, everything and everywhere is a whole new world that is often filled with excitement.

Everyone Wants Mom

Haviang kids, parents are prime candidates for strict injustice. You cant help when it becomes a “duck season – wabbit season” with children. Often, the kids will shout “mama” since it is mostly expected that women will prepare food for the children.

Haviang kids, parents are prime candidates for strict injustice. You cant help when it becomes a “duck season – wabbit season” with children. Often, the kids will shout “mama” since it is mostly expected that women will prepare food for the children.

At Least Everyone Is Sleeping

With young kids in the house, it often becomes tough to get a restful sleep. But whatsoever, during the rare times that all the family members are fast asleep, it does not matter how messy the house is or how there is no bath; rather, this is that time to relish the quite everything.

It is hard work being a parent, and it is hard to find time to sleep, so getting the chance to sleep with children for a couple of minutes is a great achievement in terms of parenting. On the other hand, it makes us wonder, do parents ever become accustomed to the loss of sleep, given that children will wake up at night and one still has to go to work in the morning?

Getting Older

With aging comes the reality of aging well hair loss. Everyone grows older, that is a fact no one can escape. The impact of aging in some is having fine lines while for many men, it is either balding or hair loss.

Baldness is something that is usually very worrying to most people. Nevertheless, it does not have to be so. People mature, and it is normal for one to age beautifully. There is nothing wrong with accepting that head with no hair and move on. It is said age comes with smartness, doesn’t it?

Zoning Out

We all understand that every couple, whether they have been together for a couple of months, or a couple of decades has moments when they just want to be in their own world.

If it is too much to expect her to engage in conversation for the entire evening, she can come up with constructive notions for both of them.

In It Together

In the final analysis, the partner you have chosen is going to be there for you in both good and bad scenarios. That means they are there for the highs and the lows, and no matter what, you will stand together.

There are going to be some hard days, but as I said, it is important to talk. Check in with your partner, and see how each of you is doing. Never try to hold back feelings like that.

Winter Is Coming

There is this moment when that first cool wind or the initial snowflakes are felt that women all over the world know it is time to no longer use a razor As noted earlier, there are some women who shave, but if showing off your legs in a pair of shorts is not on the agenda, then it is more or less a decision.

As the cold weather comes in, and women no longer bring out the legs, it is absolutely justifiable to say no to shaving and said hairy legs.

Always Work Together

Collaborating on the job is no less important than working as a team at home with your significant other. In case you get kids, or even if you do not, a pet or a child requires joint parental care. Two people can devise and carry out a plan to tackle a baby covered in food who is out of reach, or whose hand has found its way in the dirty diaper.

Your spouse will come in handy whenever you need assistance. That teamwork spirit will assist you in perfecting your kids and also help you live the life that you have always envisioned – go team!

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